Monday, October 9, 2023

Poetry Collection Spotlight & Giveaway: My Thoughts Are Coloured Purple by Marina Quindiagan


This is a book of poems on love. Love is a universal language. Love yourself, love your neighbours, love your parents, love your siblings—even love your enemies. Most of the poems are on romantic love. When you are in love, you get an awesome feeling. You walk on the clouds. However, love can be unrequited, unanswered and can bring an awful feeling. 

Love is in the movies, in songs, and in music. Love is in this book of poems, ever so strong and powerful. It's there for you to enjoy.


One-sided love 

My love, I can only watch you from a distance,

Admire your gestures as you sing and dance,

But with tears in my eyes, I play your music once again,

And see your gestures speak to me of your pain.

My heart aches to see your eyes beg me to ease your chest pain,

And as tears roll down your face,

I see it in the thought you cannot express,

And so, I become helpless in watching your mournful gaze.

Your gestures of pain in your chest and head pierce my heart,

How can I help to make this pain subside?

I wish that I could bridge the gap, the distance,

Instead of looking at you from afar.

I know that you are someone I can’t have,

You are not a mirage, but you come in my dreams, day and night,

End this one-sided love I have,

Would the gods bring us together at last, my love?


When Marina left her home country she began to write her experiences living a life which was completely different from what she was used to. She became a nomad, visiting several countries where she never put down roots. My Thoughts Are Coloured Purple is the result of staying stuck in North America during the pandemic. She picked up her love of poems.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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