Sunday, July 30, 2023

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - July 30

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday. 


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.       

And just like that, we arrived at the end of July. How does time pass so quickly? Though I had several meetings and appointments this week, I still managed some time in the kitchen. Thanks to HelloFresh, I've made some yummy meals, and I even baked on Sunday.

Sesame Soy Beef Bowl from HelloFresh

Chicken and Rice Soup - my own recipe

Yia's Yia's Banana Bread recipe

Turkish-Spiced Chicken in Apricot Sauce from HelloFresh 

Check out this evening shot looking over the Pioneer Valley. I took it Friday night when the husband and I went driving around. 

Not a ton of reading happened this week. Some unexpected issues cropped up that demanded my attention. 

You can find my review of this Audible book here.

This review appeared Tuesday here.

I didn't read from this one until Sunday. My review is due August 21st. 

I didn't read this one either. My review will appear August 18th. 

This one might wait a while and drop off the list, since I added new review books to my list.

Upcoming virtual book tours:
  • The Five Watches: An Accident of Time by John York - August 4 
  • Exits by Stephen C. Pollock - August 7 (review)
  • Mama Dida: My Road to Canada by Leonida Teohari - August 8
  • Blood & Water by Linda Armstrong-Miller - August 9
  • My Thoughts Are Colored Purple by Marina Quindiagan - August 10
  • Shoebox Baby by Sharon Bruce - August 11
  • Red Tail Feathers by Wendi Lou Lee - August 18 (review)
  • Sammy the Sailing Sea Turtle by Gwendol - August 16 (TC&TBC)
  • Ravage & Son by Jerome Charyn - August 21 (review)
  • Victoria James: And The Mysterious Case of the Chilly Willies by Elizabeth Burns August 29 (review TC&TBC)
  • Precious Burdens by Avery Sterling - August 31
  • Murder at Midnight by Katharine Schellman - October 4 (review)
  • Death and the Sisters by Heather Redmond - October 17 (review)
  • Resparking Creativity by Fatemah Mirza & Sumayyah Rafiq - November 20 (review)

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

All of this week's books are for reviews. One was NetGalley and two were PDFs I received from an author I connected with on Twitter.

I am expecting one more children's book as well.

That is it for me this week. Hope you all read some great books. I look forward to visiting your blogs. 


  1. Yummy food and books! Taco pie looks interesting. Enjoy your week.

  2. Well that looks like yummy food for sure, very tasty. I've never had boxed delivery's of ingredients but I am sure it gives new ideas. Happy reading.

  3. Thanks, Laurel. Our daughter likes the taco pie.

    Thanks, Kathryn. That is why we order, but it is pricey. I think I will drop it once the youngest goes back to school.

    Hope you both have a great week.

  4. I like eating and reading at the same time, on my Kindle, so I don't spill on paper books.

    Harvee at

  5. The food looks so good. I used Hello Fresh a couple of times. The food is good and it's very convenient, but it can also be a bit expensive. Still, the food is delicious and easy to prepare.

    Hope you have a great week.

  6. I do feel like July just flew by! And taco pie... that looks yummy! I love banana bread too...

  7. I hear you, Harvee. That is a dilemma.

    Thanks, Yvonne. It is pricey, so I tend to buy it for a while, then stop it for a bit.

    Greg, I agree. Blinked too fast at it was gone.

    Thanks for visiting, everyone.

  8. Redmond: I didn't know this author. Sounds intriguing enough.
    In between hours teaching French online, I have recently been doing lots of YouTube recipes with zucchini - this is a crazy zucchini year in my garden. So it means lots of audiobook hours!

  9. Hi Emma! Glad you are getting in some audiobook hours. I've heard the zucchini crops are wild this year. At least something likes all this rain. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for visiting.

  10. My mom and now I have cooked taco pie for years but I've never seen or heard anyone else mention it. Now I'm in the mood for it. So yummy! Everything else sounds delicious too and your picture is beautiful. Enjoy your week!

  11. The food photos make me hungry. Glad you are enjoying your time cooking.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!


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