Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish, blogging or otherwise!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish, blogging or otherwise!

1. Catch up on my TBR Pile. This truly is a hopeless cause, but I must add it. With 334 books on my 2015 TBR list (those are only the ones on a spreadsheet, not all the books in my office I want to read) and 475 free books on my devices, catching up is far, far away. I simply want to make 2015 the year I read every book I agreed to review for someone. And for gosh sakes, if you hear me taking on a new book to review, give me a virtual slap.

2. Catch up on writing reviews. Thankfully I am almost done with this one. I wrote a few reviews this week at my kid's book blog and one here. I have at least one more to go. 

3. Re-organize my books. This is a low priority item, but something I want to do. I'm sure I have some books I can donate, but who knows what the heck is in my office right now. I can barely find the floor.

4. Reconsider my blogging duties. This I must do out of necessity. Now that I am working outside the house (if you're looking to buy or sell a home in MA, call me) I simply can't run so many blogs. I think I will only dump one and just post things of interest to its Facebook page, but I'm not sure yet. All I know is that things are changing. You'll notice that the Upcoming Events page is back in my navigation bar, so I think this blog will stay rather active. 

5. Finish my middle grade novel. Amelia's Mission seems to have dragged on forever. I'm hoping to use some recovery time from surgery this coming February to polish it off. 

6. Get in shape. This will have to wait until after my recovery, but it is coming. I have new cookbooks too, so the family better watch out. 

7. Clean out the basement. This is the lowest priority item on the list. Our plan is to finish off the basement at some point, but I honestly have no idea where all that stuff we have there now will go. We certainly don't have enough attic space to store it. 

8. Seriously look at self-publishing. I want to do it. I know I will. I just need to learn more about it.

9. Re-organize my closet. Another low priority item, but one I hope to tackle. Now that I am buying more business clothes, I need the room.

10. Stage my house. This is last, but definitely not least. We've been here 15 years now...and it looks it. I'm learning more about staging as I work in real estate. I also know two professionals stagers. Before the holidays next year, I want this place looking beautiful. 

Hope you'll share some of your 2015 goals with us. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Book Review: The Seven Levels of Communication by Michael Maher

The Seven Levels of Communication by Michael Maher came recommended to me by the manager at our real estate office. Unlike typical business or sales related books that are non-fiction, this tells the story of fictional real estate agent, Rick Masters. Rick is down on his luck when he meets Michelle, a mortgage professional who has built a successful business through word or mouth and referral marketing. With nothing to lose, he attends a conference with her to learn more about her system and reaps the numerous rewards as a result.

I found The Seven Levels of Communication fascinating because it is a real life working method to increase your sphere of influence but told without an authority telling you how to implement it. The book's unusual format allows it to be less threatening because you can focus on Rick's story without feeling like you need to compare yourself to him, He's not a real guy. He doesn't have tons of real life examples of his success to jam down your throat. Now, perhaps, some might think that's a negative; but as a newer real estate sales person it allowed me to better focus on the actual method instead of worrying over how I might not match up. I definitely came away with some ideas to implement in my business for 2015.

Highly recommended.

Hardcover: 170 pages
Publisher: AuthorHouse (October 13, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1452033978
ISBN-13: 978-1452033976

I purchased a used copy of this book through Amazon. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

I read this book for the following challenge.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Book Spotlight: Emma Blooms at Last by Naomi King

Romance is in the air during the fall wedding season in the Amish community of Cedar Creek. But while one loving couple prepares to tie the knot, Amanda and Wyman Brubaker’s large family faces a threat from outside their happy circle…and must learn to pull together.

Recently wed Amanda and Wyman Brubaker are thrilled that their children from previous marriages have blended together to form a strong family. But when the construction of Wyman’s new grain elevator is delayed, making the project more expensive than anticipated, Amanda’s determination to rally the kids into taking on work to improve the family’s finances comes into conflict with Wyman’s sense of responsibility as head of the household….

Meanwhile, as James Graber and Abby Lambright prepare for their long-awaited nuptials, folks gather from far and wide. Amanda’s nephew Jerome has long been smitten with James’s sister Emma and wants to seize this chance to woo her. But Emma’s been burned once and is twice shy of trusting the fun-loving, never-serious Jerome. As Emma and Jerome struggle to understand each other, and find the courage to make a leap of faith, the Brubakers face a bigger challenge than they first anticipated and begin to discover just what it means to fight…the Amish way.
* * *

Excerpt #1
“It’s been way too long since I hitched up a sleigh,” Jerome said as he lightly clapped the reins on Sparky’s back. “I don’t think this one’s seen the snow since Uncle Atlee passed, and that’s a shame. Are you warm enough?”
            Emma burrowed deeper beneath the quilts Jerome had draped over them. Now that she was settled on the plush old seat, leaning into Jerome as the sleigh tilted slightly on the downhill lane, she felt happier than she had in a long time. The full moon was beaming down from a blue velvet sky dotted with diamond stars, making the snow-blanketed pastures glimmer all around them.
            “I’m cozy. And I’m having a really gut time,” Emma replied with a contented sigh. “Night rides are the prettiest, especially now that the wind has died down.”
            “Jah, it’s a perfect evening,” Jerome replied softly. “I’ve been hoping for more time alone with you, well—since the day we went shopping, Emma.”
            As she thought back to that day she’d spent trying to escape Jerome’s attentions, Emma let herself relax . . . allowed the breeze from the accelerating sleigh blow away her former objections to the handsome man who was driving it. The clip-clop of Sparky’s hooves on the snow-packed road settled her heartbeat into its rhythm while the warmth they shared beneath the quilts soothed her after a day of surprising guests and revelations. “Denki for giving me another chance, Jerome,” she murmured. “You were right at the wedding. I’ve missed out on a lot of opportunities to go out and have fun.”

One Big Happy Family, Book 2
NAL Trade (November 4, 2014)
ISBN-13: 9780451417886 •• ISBN-10: 0451417887
Click on these links to buy this book now!
The Book Depository •• Amazon •• Barnes & Noble • 
B-A-M •• Chapters •• IndieBound •• Powell’s • 
Ebook: • Kindle •• Nook •• Kobo •• iBooks

Drawing upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi, longtime Missourian Naomi King writes of simpler times and a faith-based lifestyle in her Home at Cedar Creek/One Big Happy Family series. Like her series heroine, Abby Lambright, Naomi considers it her personal mission to be a listener—to heal broken hearts and wounded souls—and to share her hearth and home. Faith and family, farming and frugality are hallmarks of her lifestyle: like Abby, she made her wedding dress and the one her mom wore, too! She’s a deacon, a dedicated church musician and choir member, and when she’s not writing, Naomi loves to travel, try new recipes, crochet, and sew. Naomi, whose real name is Charlotte Hubbard, now lives in Minnesota with her husband and their border collie, Ramona. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

100+ Book Challenge Sponsored by Freda's Voice

Freda's Voice is one again sponsoring the 100+ Book Challenge. I didn't come close to my goal last year, but I am optimistic about 2015. 

Rules are as follows:

1. Create a post, but list as you read, either a blog or GoodReads, somewhere she can see it, and leave your url to that post in the Linky at Freda's Voice.
2. Read some books. Any books. No limit in pages, even the phone book counts if that is your fancy. Just read!
3. That's it!

Sign up closes April 1st, 2015

Same as last year. Easy. Just read and link up your reviews each month so Freda can read it and possibly add to her wishlist. :-) 

Same as last year she will be awarding prizes (I won one last year) if she can afford to. She is not under obligation to award prizes though, just to be clear. She did pretty good last year. Freda tried to award everyone who added to the Linky each month. 

Each beginning of the month a new Linky for your reviews will be posted.

See you there and happy reading!

Read 100 books or more in 2015!
Good luck!

My starting list:
  • Dead Reckoning by Caitlin Rother
  • Becoming Marie Antoinette by Juliet Grey
  • The Paladins DuBois by Patricia Donaruma Wiliford
  • Out of Control: Why Disciplining Your Child Doesn't Work by Shefali Tsabary, PhD
  • Rush of Heaven by Ema McKinley with Cheryl Ricker
  • While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax
  • Love Your Husband Love Yourself by Jennifer Flanders
  • Water to My Soul by Pamela Bauer Mueller
  • The Map Across Time by C. S. Larkin
  • The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession Proof Your Life by Kimberly Palmer
  • The Minimum Wage Millionaire by Bill Edgar
  • The Chosen by Andrea Buginsky
  • The Seacrest by Aaron Paul Lazar
  • The Covert Element by John L. Betcher
  • A Bride for Pastor Dan by Katie Crabapple
  • Little Girl Gone by Brett Battles
  • For Keeps by Aaron Paul Lazar
  • Every Precious Thing by Brett Battles
  • The Corner Cafe: A Tasty Collections of Short Stories
  • Confessions of a Movie Addict by Betty Jo Tucker

The 2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge Sponsored by Bookish

I am joining the TBR Pile Reading Challenge for 2015 sponsored by Bookish. If you're new to the TBR Pile Reading Challenge, here is the deal: We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up.

Join us on a quest to dust off your TBR Pile and read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time you'll get a chance. This is your chance!

  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. The sign up link will remain open until January 16, 2015 at 11:30am.
  2. Anyone can enter! You don't have to be a blogger, just as long as you review the book you've read. You can review your book on your blog, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, etc.
  3. Any genre, length, or format of book counts as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your self for some time. Short stories and novellas do count! The only stipulations that the book must have been released in 2014 or earlier. No 2015 ARCs or 2015 fresh-off-the-press releases allowed.
  4. On the 25th of every other month (see schedule at sponsor's site), they will post a wrap-up for the previous two months. These posts will be done by one the Bookish bloggers and will contain new linkys for you to add your own wrap-up posts. If you did not sign up by January 17, this is where you can sign up as well.
  5. To help you tackle your TBR piles they will also be hosting Read-A-Longs on months that do not have wrap-ups. Voted on by challenge participants, Read-A-Longs will have two post dates: the first half of the book and the second half. Please note: You do not have to take part in our Read-A-Longs to participate in the TBR Pile Challenge. You can participate in all of them, some of them, or none of them. This aspect of the challenge is entirely optional.
  6. There will be two giveaways - July and December. Giveaway details will be explained once the giveaway post goes up. We don't want to overwhelm you with too many details now  :)
  7. You don't have to follow Bookish to join the challenge, but you do have to follow them to be entered in the giveaways.
How many books are you planning to read for this challenge?
1-10 A Firm Handshake
11-20 A Friendly Hug
21-30 First Kiss
31-40 Sweet Summer Fling
41-50 Could This Be Love?
50+ Married with Children

HASHTAG! To update Bookish on your progress or connect with others in the challenge, be sure to tweet/post with #2015TBRPile

For more details and instructions on how to join, please visit: http://evie-bookish.blogspot.com/2014/12/2015-tbr-pile-reading-challenge-sign-ups.html

MY BOOKISH GOAL: 31-40 Sweet Summer Fling

Favorite Reads of 2014

Thanks to my return to the workforce, I didn't come close to meeting my reading goals for this year. I'm still grateful for the books that got read--some of which I am hoping to review before the end of the year.

Most of the books I read in 2014 were in the children's or young adult categories, so I didn't make a list of favorites for this blog. Here are a couple I truly enjoyed:

Holidays on this Massachusetts island are nothing short of magical, and the season’s wonderful traditions are much loved by Nicole Somerset, new to Nantucket and recently married to a handsome former attorney. Their home is already full of enticing scents of pine, baking spices, and homemade pie.

But the warm, festive mood is soon tempered by Nicole’s chilly stepdaughter, Kennedy, who arrives without a hint of holiday spirit. Determined to keep her stepmother at arm’s length—or, better yet, out of the picture altogether—Kennedy schemes to sabotage Nicole’s holiday preparations. Nicole, however, is not about to let anyone or anything tarnish her first Christmas with her new husband.

While filming a movie on the Bear Creek Indian Reservation, the film crew trespasses on sacred ground, threats are made against the female stars, a missing woman is found by the Hairy Man, an actor is murdered, and Deputy Tempe Crabtree has no idea who is guilty. Once again, the elusive and legendary Hairy Man plays an important role in this newest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery.

What are some of your favorite reads from this year?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seasonal Fiction: An Amish Christmas Quilt by Charlotte Hubbard, Kelly Long, and Jennifer Beckstrand

With all the warmth of a cozy quilt, three authors stitch together Amish tales of hearts joined, friendships patched, and the bright joys of Christmas tradition . . .
A Willow Ridge Christmas Pageant
Charlotte Hubbard

Seth Brenneman didn't expect his holiday would include rescuing pregnant young Mary Kauffman and her two children. . .or having unexpected feelings for the still-grieving widow. But when they must play the leads in an impromptu live Nativity pageant to help his Amish community, will their roles reveal their hearts--and work a miracle for a lifetime?

A Christmas On Ice Mountain
Kelly Long

Matthew Beider and Laurel Lapp's secret wish to marry is a gift their feuding fathers definitely won't accept. And trying to settle their dats' long-standing quarrel is making their holiday anything but merry. Can rediscovering the joys and friendships of Christmas past finally turn their families' futures bright?

A Perfect Amish Christmas
Jennifer Beckstrand

Anna and Felty Helmuth's grandson, Gideon, plans to spend Christmas on a beach in sunny Mexico. But Anna is quite sure he'd rather be with them, snowshoeing, ice fishing--falling in love. And she knows the perfect girl. Not only is Dottie Schrock an excellent quilter and baker, she's having a party. There's just one complication--Gideon is not invited. Dottie has her reasons, but Anna trusts that the spirit of Christmas--and true love--will change her mind, and her future . . .
"Fans of Amish fiction will love the Seasons of the Heart series."--Marta Perry, Lydia's Hope
"A delightful voice in Amish romance. Sweet and funny." --Emma Miller

Seasons of the Heart, connected

Kensington Trade (October 28, 2014)
ISBN-13: 9781617735547 •• ISBN-10: 161773554X
Click on these links to buy this book now!
The Book Depository •• Amazon •• Barnes & Noble • 
B-A-M •• Chapters •• IndieBound •• Powell’s •• Kensington Books • 
Ebook: • Kensington Books •• Kindle •• Nook •• iBooks

Excerpt from A Willow Ridge Christmas Pageant

 “Are we ready? I think our Nativity’s going to be a huge success, with such a heavenly little angel and a regal king,” Rebecca said as she grinned at each of the kids. “And how’s our main attraction?”
Emmanuel, cradled in Mary’s arms, wiggled when Rebecca smiled down at him.
“He’s been fed and changed, so he’s ready,” Mary replied. She smiled at the little parade walking up the Hooleys’ lane. “And here come our shepherds and the other wise men and angels. Everybody looks really gut, Rebecca. We couldn’t have done this without your help.”
As Rebecca murmured something in reply, Mary lost track of it. A tall, broad-shouldered man in a flowing brick-red tunic was striding up the lane toward her, and while she couldn’t see his eyes, she sensed Seth was looking right at her . . . just as she was gazing at him. Thank you for this night, Lord, as we celebrate the birth of Your son and the beginning of our new life in Willow Ridge, Mary prayed quickly. Help me be your faithful handmaiden, as the Virgin Mary was so long ago.
“Let’s hope this works the way I envisioned it,” Rebecca said as other folks began to gather from around town.
Mary turned just in time to see a star-shaped balloon rise into the air, on a long ribbon tied to the light post—and when Rebecca turned on the second lantern, which was aimed skyward, the star glowed and sparkled. Miriam, Ben, Bishop Tom, and the Zook family all let out a delighted oh!
“Folks will be able to see that from quite a ways off!” Tom said. His face shone with boyish wonder as he gazed raptly at the shimmering star above them.

Many moons ago—like, in 1983 while I was still a school librarian—I sold my first story to True Story magazine. This launched me into writing about seventy of those “true confessions” stories over the years, and I’ve been a slave to my overactive imagination ever since. My stories invariably take on a life of their own, different from the way I’ve proposed them: I love it when unforeseen characters and plot twists come along, because they keep me guessing right along with my readers!

I love touring historic homes, trying new recipes, crocheting, and playing with my border collie Ramona—although it’s humbling, having a dog smarter than I am! I’m an ordained Presbyterian deacon, and I devote a lot of time to singing in my church choir and to practicing/performing with our percussion ensemble. I’m celebrating more than thirty-five years with my husband, who—bless him—has never once suggested I get a real job! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Pre-Order Gooseberry Island by Steven Manchester & Support the Wounded Warrior Project

Steven Manchester's next book will be out on January 6, 2015. Voted one of the Must Read Books of 2015 by Cyrus Webb PresentsGooseberry Island is sure to be the next hit from one of our #1 bestselling authors. The book looks at the budding relationship between Lindsay and David, who have to deal with David's deployment overseas and his recovery from the trauma he witnessed in the service of his country.

PTSD is one of the biggest problems facing soldiers as they return from war. As an experienced veteran himself, Steven Manchester understands that. That's why, during the promotion of this book, Steven and The Story Plant are going to be working toward helping returning veterans. And we need your help to do that.

From now until January 31, 2015, we will donate $1 to the Wounded Warrior Project for every copy of Gooseberry Island that is pre-ordered and sold. All you have to do is email us a copy of your receipt and we will make the donation. In addition to that, we will also donate a copy of the e-book to returning soldiers, one donation for each copy sold.

Here's the really important part - we need your help to spread the word about this campaign! Tell your neighbors, tell your family members, tell the person working the checkout line in the grocery story. Just tell as many people as you can and ask them to help spread the word too. We want this campaign to go viral! Let's do something good this holiday season and celebrate those who protect and serve our country!

You can read more about Gooseberry Island at our website. It is available for sale at AmazonBarnes & NobleiBooksKobo, and IndieBound.

Curious about Wounded Warrior or want to make your own donation? Visit their website here.

"Mr. Manchester handles [PTSD] with great compassion.  He brings to life the hardships that are suffered by our returning servicemen.  His characters have depth and the story is compelling.  It is not only a novel, it helps to inform the reader of the difficulties experienced and the silent life and death struggle that goes on every day around us." -From Book Bug Blog

"I’ve said it before – Steven Manchester has a very definite style of his own. His books all display beautiful descriptive writing, poignancy, and include an inspirational message, and this one will simply warm your heart." -From And The Story Unfolds

"This author did a wonderful job with this novel showing how war can change a person and how so many of these military people die of suicide and bringing to life the many hardships along with disorders(PTSD) that are suffered by many of our returning military men and women." -From Arlena, Goodreads member

“Steven Manchester has a gift for expressing through his writing the complicated and transcendent beauty of the human experience with poignant clarity,” says Yolanda King, eldest daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King. “Steven Manchester writes about life as it really is and really could be,” adds Crystal Book Reviews. Steven Manchester’s work has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, CBS’s The Early Show, CNN’s American Morning and BET’s Nightly News. Recently, three of Manchester’s short stories were selected “101 Best” for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Manchester writes deeply moving, intensely relatable novels that readers tend to remember and discuss for a long time.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Guest Bloggers: Janet Elizabeth Lynn & Will Zeilinger, Authors of Slivers of Glass

Summer 1955: The body of a woman thought to be killed three years earlier is found behind a theater in Hollywood. Movie stuntman Skylar Drake, a former LAPD detective, is dragged into the investigation. He can make no sense of the crime until he discovers a dirty underworld and unearths deep-seated… greed.

The hunt takes Drake to places he’d never expect. He’s anxious to close this case and get back to his business in L.A., but he’s constantly haunted by the memory of his wife and young daughter, killed in a mysterious house fire.

With more than enough dirty cops, politicians and crime bosses to go around, Drake can trust no one including Martin Card, the cop assigned to work with him.

Buy link:
website: www.janetlynnauthor.com
website: www.willzeilingerauthor.com


There were a dozen other things I could’ve been doing besides standing in line at the drug store listening to Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” piped in overhead. Though, it was a treat to watch the cashier move behind the counter in her form-fitting white smock. I shook my head and plopped a tube of Pepsodent and a couple of toothbrushes on the pharmacy counter.

She looked up and said, “That will be seventy-five cents, Mr. Drake.”

I dug in my pocket and dropped three quarters in her hand, “Thank you, Miss Abernathy.” She placed my items in a small white paper bag and folded over the top. “Here you are, and quit calling me that. My name is Emily. Anyway, this should keep you smiling brightly. I only wish I could see yours sometime.”

In all the times I’ve walked to this drug store, I couldn’t remember a day she didn’t smile at me. Too bad there was a ‘y’ at the end of Emily’s name. Women with names like Sandy, Cathy or Abby were bad luck. Those ‘y’ women were always trouble and it would be dangerous to get mixed up with another one now.

“Thanks,” I tipped my hat, "When I have something to smile about, I might just show you.” I knew Emily pretty well since this place was only a couple of blocks from my apartment, an apartment I lived in because a fire took my home along with my beautiful wife Claire and Ellen my little girl.

As I turned to leave, I winked at the two little old ladies behind me. They stepped back and stared as if I’d just sneezed in their faces. I turned and waved goodbye to Emily only to see her pointing behind me in horror. I followed her gaze and saw a dark green car hurtling toward us - right through the huge windows at the front of the store! The gigantic crash at my back sent shelves, boxes and cans hurtling in our direction. I turned around as glass, smoke and debris seemed to explode in a cloud around us. At that moment my training from the Marine Corps took over. I instinctively swept up the two ladies and Emily and pushed them to the back of the store. The other customers ran screaming out the huge opening where the storefront windows used to be. I shielded the women against the back wall with my body all the while knowing that my weight could suffocate them, but what else could I do? The ceiling could come down on us at any moment. I held them against the wall while listening to my heart pound. Slowly the tinkle of glass subsided and I released them. Tiny slivers of glass and wood had embedded themselves in my sweater and trousers. “You’d better be careful,” One of the little old women chirped, “Your backside looks like a pin cushion. Best not to sit down for a while.”


A very popular dessert in the 1950’s, served at the famous Coconut Grove Night Club in Los Angeles. The “Grove” was known for its great cuisine. The Coconut Grove is featured in one of the scenes in Slivers of Glass, a Noir murder Mystery.

2 oranges or tangerines
2 bananas
Shredded coconut, unsweetened


  • Peel the oranges or tangerines, pull the pieces apart; cut the pieces across the middle. Peel the bananas and cut them into thin slices.
  • Cover the bottom of the bowl with orange pieces. Sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of sugar over the oranges (depending on the sweetness of the oranges/tangerines). Put some banana slices on oranges, and then sprinkle a little coconut over bananas.
  • Do the same thing for the next layer, first the oranges, sugar, bananas and coconut. Make more layers, using all the fruit.
  • Sprinkle coconut on top. Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate for 1 hour.
Serves 3-4


JANET ELIZABETH LYNN was born in Queens, New York and raised in Long Island, until she was 12 years old. Her family escaped the freezing winters and hurricanes for the warmth and casual lifestyle of Southern California.

Janet has always wanted to write and made it a quest to write a novel. Ten years later, with much blood and sweat, her first murder mystery novel, South of the Pier, was published in 2011. She has since written seven more mysteries. Miss Lynn has traveled to the far reaches of the planet for work and for pleasure, collecting wonderful memories, new found friends and a large basket of shampoo and conditioner samples from hotels.

At one time Janet was an Entertainment Editor for a newspaper in Southern California.

Contact info:
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fa5_slznoA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janet.lynn.5477
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/janet-elizabeth-lynn/17/380/b51
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanetLynn4
Blog: http://janetelizabethlynnauthor.blogspot.com/
e-mail: janet_lynn51@yahoo.com
website: www.janetlynnauthor.com

WILL ZEILINGER has been writing for over twelve years. During that time, he took novel writing classes and joined writer’s groups, but what has helped the most are published authors who mentor, encourage, critique and listen to him while he continued to learn the craft. At the time of this writing, Will has published three novels (Ebooks.) The Naked Groom, Something’s Cooking at Dove Acres, and The Final Checkpoint (also in print).

As a youth he lived overseas with his family. As an adult he traveled the world. Will lives in Southern California with his wife Janet Elizabeth Lynn, who is also an author. Will says that finding time to write while life happens is a challenge.

Contact info:
Twitter: @Will_Zeilinger
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wzeilinger
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/william-zeilinger/15/48/9a7/
website: http://www.willzeilingerauthor.com
blog: http://www.booksbywilzeilinger.blogspot.com

Friday, December 12, 2014

Book Spotlight: The Temple of All Knowing by Lee Papa

Title: Temple of All Knowing
Author: Lee Papa
Publisher: WaveCloud Corporation
Pages: 186
Genre: Memoir
Format: Paperback/Kindle
The Temple of All Knowing is a memoir of one woman’s passage from personal and professional turmoil to spiritual awakening. A compelling straight forward and sometimes humorous account of the most personal of journeys as this 40-something woman finds herself in Sin City with promise of a new life, new husband and elderly mother living with her. She instead is uncovered as a central character in the deepest of possible challenges only to break through to discover her authentic spiritual self through a near death experience and a personal mission in Soul City – Las Vegas.

For More Information

  • The Temple of All Knowing is available at Amazon.
  • Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Lee Papa’s start in the corporate world was in sales for the Hyatt Regency Hotel chain, which led to being head hunted by a NY based real estate developer. Lee spent the next 11 years as a key employee working in commercial real estate leasing and management in Baltimore, Maryland. Although, commercial real estate was now in her blood and she loved the art of the deal, a different road in the industry was presenting itself and that brought her to heading up the benchmarking division for a Los Angeles based real estate consulting firm. Her job had her traveling nationally and setting up programs to benchmark customer satisfaction. Understanding there was not a one shoe fits all approach to customer surveying, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey and started with consulting to serve the customized needs of her clients.
Lee’s first book, The Temple of All Knowing, is a memoir of her several years journey prior to her near death experience, through the completion of the 6,000 square foot Ganesha Center in Las Vegas. The book details the roadmap from personal darkness through spiritual, emotional and physical transformation.
Since the completion of the manuscript the Las Vegas Sanctuary for the Spirit evolved by moving to a downtown Las Vegas location and now offers targeted classes and workshops while focusing on a Virtual Ganesha Center supporting individuals and corporations with programs and a Referral Network with expansive reach for optimal awareness.
For More Information

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bargain Seasonal EBook: A Yorkshire Christmas by Kate Hewitt

Wealthy New York City girl Claire Lindell isn’t looking for a Christmas miracle or happiness when she abruptly decides to hole up for the holiday at her godmother’s cottage in a little Yorkshire village, and lick her wounds from a near disastrous romantic decision.

After her car skids into a snow bank, Claire may have accidently found her perfect Christmas and the family and love she’s craved when she offers Noah Bradford of Ayesgill Farm help to push the back end of one of his sheep out of the icy mud, even if she’s going to ruin a brand new pair of Prada boots during the rescue.

What’s a little leather when love’s on the line?

Christmas Around the World series
Book 1: Christmas at Waratah Bay by Marion Lennox
Book 2: A Yorkshire Christmas by Kate Hewitt
Book 3: Christmas with the Laird by Scarlet Wilson
Book 4: Christmas in Venice by Joanne Walsh

File Size: 412 KB
Print Length: 105 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Tule Publishing Group (October 28, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

Purchase for only 99 cents at Amazon!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Book Review and Giveaway: Danse Macabre by Cristelle Comby

A suspenseful, thrilling mystery awaits you in Danse Macabre, the third Neve and Egan Cases novel by Cristelle Comby.

Private investigators Alexandra Neve and Ashford Egan are hired by a distraught mother to find her missing daughter. The mother is certain her talented ballerina wouldn't simply run away like the police have suggested. Neve and Egan soon find they have a serial killer on their hands during one of the coldest winters in England.

Fascinating, intriguing, and filled with twists and turns, Danse Macabre is a fabulous mystery novel. It kept me guessing, and I wasn't quite sure how things were going to turn out. I certainly wasn't expecting that surprise at the end.

Combe is a masterful storyteller, slowly adding pieces to the puzzle that ultimately creates a page-turning novel. I loved the relationship between Neve and Egan as they battle their own demons while solving the case. And though I wouldn't necessarily say it's something you would pick up for a seasonal read, it is set in the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year's.

There are some gruesome parts, but this novel is so well done I didn't mind them at all. I would like to go back and read the previous novels in this series:  Russian Dolls and Ruby Heart.

Murder mysteries don't get better than this one.

Prices/Formats: $2.99 ebook, $11.99 paperback
Genre: New Adult, Detective Mystery
October 2014

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I received a free copy of this book from the author. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

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Interview with Mike Hartner, Author of I, James

Mike Hartner was born in Miami in 1965. He’s traveled much of the continental United States. He has several years post secondary education, and experience teaching and tutoring young adults. Hartner has owned and run a computer firm for more than twenty-five years. He now lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with his wife and child. They share the neighborhood and their son with his maternal grandparents.
Mike won first place blue ribbon for the 2013 Chaucer Award for Historical Fiction and first place blue ribbon for the 2013 Dante Rosetti Award in the YA category for I, Walter.
His latest book is the historical fiction/romance, I, James.
For More Information

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m nearing 50, I’m in a long, secure marriage; I love my wife dearly, and our son.  Writing is a pastime to help me relax, and I love historical fiction.

Where did you grow up?

My father moved to Regina, Sask., Canada (about 90 minutes north of the Montana border on the eastern side) when I was 11. So much of my youth was spent in Canada

What is your fondest childhood memory?

My father’s cooking. On Friday nights, he’d pull his cookbooks out and make a list for the grocery store. On Saturday morning, he was up and out early to the local Safeway. When he came home, there was fresh coffee for mom and then breakfast for everyone. It was either pancakes, or waffles, or German Quiche (with bacon or ham, peppers, tomato, egg, hash browns, and cheese). It also signaled that he would spend the rest of the day in the kitchen.

When did you begin writing?

I started writing when I was in elementary. But my first published writings were stories about my family in the early 2000s.

Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?

Usually whenever I can sneak in a few moments… but that is mostly at night, after the rest of the family has gone to sleep.

What is this book about?

I, James is the second book in The Eternity Series. It’s historical fiction, romance, coming of age, and memoir all rolled into one. I think I took my cue from Chaucer, since he was responsible for writing stories about every different character on his crusade. Though I’m not as baudy. My books can be ready by anyone over the age of 10.

What inspired you to write it?

When I finished with Book One, (I, Walter), I knew I had to write Book Two. James was beating down the door of my muse to tell his story.

Who is your biggest supporter?

My biggest supporter is, and always has been, my wife.

Are you a member of a critique group? If no, who provides feedback on your work?

No. I have a very small circle, including my editor who helps me with content and editing.

Who is your favorite author?

I love historical fiction. My top authors include Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Mark Twain, and Jules Verne. However, in present day authors, I love: Charity Langley ( Wicked Intentions ); Jesikah Sundin (Legay -The Biodome Chronicles Book One); Selah TaySong ( Dreams of a Vast Blue Canvern -- Dreams of QaiMaj, Book One); Rachel Thompson (gritty, award winning. Broken Pieces); Bernadette Pajer – The Professor Bradshaw Mysteries; Janet Shawgo for her historical romances; and a few more.

Do you have an agent or are you looking for one?

I don’t have one, and I have decided that right now, I just don’t need one.

Was the road to publication smooth sailing or a bumpy ride?

It was a bumpy ride because I wasn’t experienced doing this.

If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?

There are always things that are worth doing differently. But, to be honest, the First book, I, Walter was a learning curve. I learned things that worked and things that didn’t, and now I get to apply them to I, James.

Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?

Amazon is the best place right now to buy the book. Before Christmas, Audible will have a copy in their store; CreateSpace is already set up for paperback; and I’m in process of getting into the B&N system. So please ask the CSMs for I, James.

Do you have a video trailer to promote your book? If yes, where can readers find it?

Readers can find the video trailer for both books at youtube.com on my channel: http://goo.gl/owCRBN

What is the best investment you have made in promoting your book?

Blog tours.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?

Write what you believe in, and what you love.

What is up next for you?

Book three, of course.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Just a very big shout out of thanks to Robert L Bacon at www.theperfectwrite.com for his editing; to Brian Schwartz (www.50interviws.com) for all his formatting help; to Luna Casnaghi, a fantastic graphics artist; to the large community of authors on FaceBook who have befriended me and who are amazing; and to the readers who amaze me everyday by being passionate enough to not just read, but to review my writings. Thanks to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.