Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish, blogging or otherwise!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish, blogging or otherwise!

1. Catch up on my TBR Pile. This truly is a hopeless cause, but I must add it. With 334 books on my 2015 TBR list (those are only the ones on a spreadsheet, not all the books in my office I want to read) and 475 free books on my devices, catching up is far, far away. I simply want to make 2015 the year I read every book I agreed to review for someone. And for gosh sakes, if you hear me taking on a new book to review, give me a virtual slap.

2. Catch up on writing reviews. Thankfully I am almost done with this one. I wrote a few reviews this week at my kid's book blog and one here. I have at least one more to go. 

3. Re-organize my books. This is a low priority item, but something I want to do. I'm sure I have some books I can donate, but who knows what the heck is in my office right now. I can barely find the floor.

4. Reconsider my blogging duties. This I must do out of necessity. Now that I am working outside the house (if you're looking to buy or sell a home in MA, call me) I simply can't run so many blogs. I think I will only dump one and just post things of interest to its Facebook page, but I'm not sure yet. All I know is that things are changing. You'll notice that the Upcoming Events page is back in my navigation bar, so I think this blog will stay rather active. 

5. Finish my middle grade novel. Amelia's Mission seems to have dragged on forever. I'm hoping to use some recovery time from surgery this coming February to polish it off. 

6. Get in shape. This will have to wait until after my recovery, but it is coming. I have new cookbooks too, so the family better watch out. 

7. Clean out the basement. This is the lowest priority item on the list. Our plan is to finish off the basement at some point, but I honestly have no idea where all that stuff we have there now will go. We certainly don't have enough attic space to store it. 

8. Seriously look at self-publishing. I want to do it. I know I will. I just need to learn more about it.

9. Re-organize my closet. Another low priority item, but one I hope to tackle. Now that I am buying more business clothes, I need the room.

10. Stage my house. This is last, but definitely not least. We've been here 15 years now...and it looks it. I'm learning more about staging as I work in real estate. I also know two professionals stagers. Before the holidays next year, I want this place looking beautiful. 

Hope you'll share some of your 2015 goals with us. 


  1. Great list of goals! Catching up on my TBR is one of mine as well. Hope I can do it. Haha

  2. Here's a link to my TTT link for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2014/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten.html

  3. I'm looking at the self-publishing route as well for my book. I need to get back to writing too.

    Good luck with your resolutions!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Good luck with self publishing. So many authors do it now. I hope you achieve your goals.

  5. Good goals! Your office sounds like mine. I think there are a few feet of carpet showing, but there are piles and piles of books and sheet music and other stuff I need to deal with. And I'm with you on the hopelessness of catching up on the TBR pile, but between making more time to read TBR books and taking the time to prune my lists and piles, I hope to make at least a dent!

    Good luck with all your goals, and have a great year!

  6. Great goals! Organizing my house always seems to be low on the list for me, too. So many good books get in the way!

  7. I LOVE reorganising my wardrobe! I never even thought about that! I also want to catch up on my reviews, I plan to be a lot more organised next year and stop leaving things until the night before! Good luck with your goals and Happy New Year!

  8. Wow, it looks like you are going to be really busy this year with an assortment of things! But that's what keeps life interesting! Good luck with everything! And thanks for stoppin' by! Have a happy new year!

  9. Thanks for the comments, everyone. Sorry I was slow to return the favor.

    Keep reading and keep blogging.

    Happy New Year.


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