Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interview with Craig Meriwether, Contributor to Pearls of Wisdom

An oyster can’t produce pearls without first suffering with a grain of sand. Each of the authors in Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Lead Your Best Life Now gives guidance to readers on how to turn their own grains of sand into pearls.

Each chapter contains a new voice and a fresh idea for a positive life change. With eac chapter as diverse as the cast of authors who have come together to create this unique book, there is certain to be an idea to inspire and uplift you.

Pearls of Wisdom contains the greatest ideas of today’s top self-help authors, combining traditional and new techniques, affirmations, theories, meditations and practices to lead readers from the struggles they deal with in their current situations to a higher, enlightened life; not merely an existence.

For anyone who has asked the question;

“am I really living the best possible life I could be?”

Pearls of Wisdom grants the answers for any of life’s questions, straight from the hearts and minds of the masters of self-help themselves.

The Contributing Authors on the Tour

(left-right) Stacy Goforth • Liz Byrne • Susan Barker • Kelle Sutliff • Renee Baribeau • Sheila Pearl • Asia Voight • Tami Gulland • Kelle Sutliff (bottom row) Lisa Merrai- Labon • Siobhan Coulter • Chantal Herman • Marcelle Charrois • Marcelle Charrois • Glenyce Hughes • Stephanie Bennett Vogt • Michelle Manning-Kogler • Susan McMillin • Craig Meriwether • Leslie Gunterson

Stuck, broke and depressed, Craig Meriwether struggled with life for 25 years. Failing to go through with a planned suicide, Craig determined to get out of depression and to turn his life around but faced 2 major challenges, no money and no health insurance. Yet he took massive action anyway, studying, researching and working his way through his self-sabotage, anger and negative thought patterns. Today Craig is recognized as a leading expert in mind mastery, eliminating depression, and creating deep happiness and success; achieving results that last.  

After teaching meditation and stress reduction workshops, Craig founded the stress reduction program at the Northern Arizona Medical Center’s Cancer Center. He is also the creator of the Depression 180 and Mind Mastery Blueprint programs, as well as, a featured author in the bestselling book Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live your Best Life Now! along with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and Janet Bray Attwood. He currently leads workshops in creating lasting life transformation.

You deserve happiness and success. Craig will teach you the tools to live the life of your dreams.
You can find out more about Craig and his work at:

Where did you grow up?

I was raised in San Diego, CA, but I had a funny brain-twist when I first read the question. At first I thought you were asking “where was I when I woke up and decided to take back control of my life” (you know, like when someone’s acting like an idiot and you tell them to “grow up.”)

So to follow along down that brain-twist path I actually grew up a few years ago (mid-life crisis?) when I read a passage from Eat, Pray, Love where Elizabeth Gilbert writes, “Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings.” For some reason that passage hit me over the head really hard and woke me up.

It literally set me on a path to changing my life.

When did you begin writing?

I’ve always enjoyed writing but have been distracted by music for most of my life (both listening and playing) so I never put much time into it. I struggled with depression for a good part of my life and about 4 years ago I made a commitment to get rid of it. After I turned my life around I decided to write down what I had learned and how I went about creating happiness. So I created the Depression 180 Program with all the different scientifically proven methods for eliminating depression that I had researched and learned about. It started off just as a book but as it progressed it’s grown into a wonderful program that also includes audio, cognitive-behavioral exercises, hypnotherapy and interviews with leading experts.

How did you get into this collection of inspiration with folks like Jack Canfield?

The publishers had seen some of my writing and asked me to submit something for consideration. They liked it and were gracious enough to put it in the book.

What is your chapter about?

It’s about how you can use the problems and stress in your life to create massive positive change. How you can actually use the challenges in your life to transform yourself and grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

How would you like your readers to think of you?

I’d like to instill in people that it is possible to turn your life around and create deep happiness no matter where you are starting from. I would like to be a person who creates a spark and fans the flames so that people will be able to make massive change in their lives. I don’t offer quick fixes or magic fairy dust to create transformation but I want people to know that if they’re willing to commit, take action and have persistence then they will turn their lives around and live in deep happiness. So how would I’d like people to think of me: that I give hope.

What is your "signature niche"?

Showing people how to eliminate depression, anger and automatic negative thoughts.

What is your most central and compelling "pearl of wisdom"?

The idea that changed my life was this: the person you are now, the person who got you to where you are today, CANNOT be the person who takes you to where you want to be. Simple, and…well…fairly obvious really. But when I heard this, or more to the point, when I understood this, my life turned around and I started creating massive success in my life. When I understood how my emotional set point was sabotaging my success I was able to turn my life around.

The life you have today is due to the actions you took, or did not take, yesterday. And if you remain the same person, doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results. If you want something different tomorrow, you will have to become someone different today. Simple, but not so easy.

Where can readers purchase a copy?

Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and it will be in bookstores at the beginning of April.

What is up next for you?

I’m putting the finishing touches on The Depression 180 Program then I’ll be doing live trainings.

Is there anything you would like to add?

It’s my belief that happiness is your birthright but over the years, whether through chronic disappointments or heavy traumatic events, some of us lose sight of how to be happy. That’s what happened to me. We may catch some happiness here or there for short time but we end up settling back down into feeling numb or even despair.

People just want to feel good. 1 in 10 Americans are taking antidepressants. That means 30 million Americans alone are spending billions of dollars a year trying to create happiness. I’m not big on soaking your brain in pharmaceuticals and I don’t think there is a one-pill-solves-all approach to ending depression and creating happiness. It takes work and effort but the reward of a life lived in happiness and peace is so worth it. (To get the real story on what antidepressants can do to you I put up a real eye-opening free audio download at www.Depression180.com called Do Antidepressants Cause Depression, Violence and Suicide?)

People can turn their lives around. It does take commitment, effort and action but everyone can do it. If I could leave people with just one idea it would be this: remember that you are phenomenal…and act accordingly.


  1. Such an inspiring post. I truly enjoyed reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thanks.

  2. Hi Cheryl. Thanks for sharing about PEARLS OF WISDOM. It sounds like a book that many people will benefit from reading. Great interview with Craig Meriwether.


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