Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Guest Blogger: Kathryn Jones, Author of Conquering Your Goliaths

David gathered 5 smooth stones to meet and defeat Goliath. What did these stones represent and how can you use them to feat the Goliaths in your own personal quests? Ms. Virginia Bean will show you how.

Travel with her on her own personal journey. See what she does. Learn how she grows. Discover what she becomes.

Conquering your Goliaths—A Parable of the Five Stones is for anyone desiring to travel beyond mediocrity, pain and fear. Learn of the great power within you, a power given to you from God, a power that must ultimately be unleashed to conquer the Goliaths in your own life. Come to an even deeper understanding of God and what he wants for you. Come…

6 Ways to Market Your Book with Little or No Money

By Kathryn Jones

Marketing. Yes, it takes courage, ingenuity and money. But if you do it right, respecting those who help you, your book marketing will find its own way with little cash outflow.

Here are some dime store ideas that have helped me market my own books:

Start with some postcards. One side of the postcard has your book cover, on the other side is a synopsis of your book and contact information. I have business cards too, but I like postcards because more information can be put on the card and a postcard is much harder to lose.

Get some book reviews. There are many book reviewers online, and most of them will read your book via PDF. That means that you’re not putting out money for a copy of your book and paying for mailing fees. If a reviewer says that they only take hard copies of books, ask if they would mind taking a PDF of yours. Because my book, Conquering Your Goliaths: A Parable of the Five Stones, was only 104 pages, I was able to convince most reviewers that my book would be no trouble to read on the Kindle. To search for reviewers, plug in “book reviewers” or “book bloggers” in your search engine. Also check blogs for a listing of blogs the reviewer reads.

Guest Blog. Yes, that’s what I’m doing now. Search sites by putting “guest blog” into the search engine. Look over the sites and blogs that come up and choose to write for those sites that fit in with your book or include a subject that you have knowledge about. Query with a short note describing your book and where it’s sold. Mention that you’d like to guest blog.

Find free advertising. Dee’s Reading Room is a great place to start. To search, plug “free book advertising” into your search.

Use social media to get the word out. Social media doesn’t cost you a cent, and you can let others following you know when your book will be out, when you have book reviews posted, when and where you’ll be doing book signings, etc. Social media is a real winner and is a MUST for promoting your book. I use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Speak at events. FREE if you have to. Try book groups, writing conferences, and non-profit organizations that fit with your book’s theme. Share your love of writing and sell your books at the end of the event.
Book Marketing becomes an inexpensive process, one filled with ingenuity and courage, once you decide to do all you can to market your book. 
Purchasing Conquering Your Goliaths at:




Kathryn has been a published writer since 1987. She has published various newspaper stories, magazine articles, essays and short stories for teens and adults. She is the author of: A River of Stones, a young adult fiction novel dealing with divorce published in 2002, and Conquering your Goliaths—A Parable of the Five Stones, a Christian novel published in January of 2012. Her newest creation, a Conquering your Goliaths—Guidebook, was published February of 2012.

Visit Kathryn online at:


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