Bookish Promises for 2024 - Final Update
Complete my Goodreads Challenge.
As the week ended, I posted my last two reviews, which brought my total to 77 books/14,469 pages read. That is two books more than planned. You can see my reading year details here.
Read 15 books from my TBR Pile.
I squeaked by on this one, reading 16 books from my TBR Pile. Only three were books I added in 2024 and had no obligation to review, and this didn't include any new professional or personal development books I read.
Read 8 leadership books from my TBR Pile.
I read a total of three leadership books this year, opting to focus on overall professional development, personal development, and entrepreneurship instead. There were 12 books in that category this year that I finished.
Read one book in a genre I don't usually read.
I read one middle grade fantasy and one magical romance this year.
Weed out my Goodreads and Kindle freebie "Want to Read" lists.
I continued to tackle this a bit at a time throughout the year. My current "Want to Read" list stands at 724. I'm sure more can come off of it, but this will continue to be a low priority item.
Finish editing my NaNoWriMo project.
This is my most significant accomplishment of the year. Tackling NaNoWriMo for the first time in years, at the end of 2023, I had a completed manuscript. I spent several months this year finetuning it. Though the first publisher rejected it, I submitted Home for the Heart to an agent in September. When I checked in at the beginning of December, they were still reading it. Sure beats a fast rejection. I'm working on the second book in the series in between editing jobs to distract me while I wait.
Plan out the next steps in my writing career.
This continues to be a work in progress and partially dependent upon the response to my small town Christmas romance. This is truly the direction I feel my writing is going, but I have several finished children's picture books that I don't want to abandon. I would self-publish them, but I can't draw to save my life and illustrators are justifiably expensive. I also am close to finishing the middle grade historical that I've worked on forever. I love it and don't want to see it sit in a virtual drawer.
I am ready to have a redesign done of my website by a professional. They will create separate pages for my adult and children projects. After that, I need to figure out where I want to spend the majority of my time in 2025.
Re-organize my works in progress.
Thought a lot about this. It really ties into the above promise. Likely something I will tackle in 2025 as I finalize decisions.
Submit one short story.
I opted to focus on my longer projects this year instead. Not sure if I will keep this as a promise in 2025.
Participate in NaNoWriMo.
I did. Failed miserably. Knew I wouldn't be ready because my real estate business went into overdrive from July through the end of the year, so I didn't have the preparation time I did in 2023. I've always wished NaNoWriMo were in January or February, but that is not to be these days. I guess I could always hold my own personal NaNoWriMo if I felt strongly enough about it.
So, that was my year. How about you? What were some of your greatest accomplishments? What are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2025?
It sounds like you did well in keeping your promises this past year both in making progress or completing them. I hope this new year will be even more fruitful for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Literary Feline. So nice to see you here. Happy New Year!