Monday, September 16, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Sep 16

 Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.   

Welcome back to Monday! How are we in the middle of September already?

Still no inside fall decorations, but the outside looks nice. I am just catching up on a few things. Won't last for long. I had three accepted offers, a new listing, a closing, and a property under contract in the last ten days. I've got four inspections this week. I am looking forward to 2025 business planning next month. So hard to believe it is already that time.

Here are a couple photos from this week:

Saw these Travis-like toys in the grocery store yesterday

Woods behind our house

If it wasn't for Audible, I doubt I would get much reading accomplished lately. Finished this one. 

Started this one on Sunday but quickly figured out it wasn't for me, so I archived it.

These two books are waiting for me to write reviews.

My review of this one appeared at my children's book blog. You can read the review here.

I started this book for my October 2 review.

I didn't continue with this book last week. Probably will need to wait until my October review books are done.

These are next.

I bought a copy of this one. Not sure where I saw it, but I knew I had to own it. Have you read it yet?

Would really love to focus on seasonal books the rest of the year. I am looking to review Christmas picture books, chapter books, and clean romance novellas this year. You can check out what other products I'm looking for here.

Upcoming events:
  • Side Launch by Brock Martin - October 2 (Review)
  • The Merry Matchmaker by Sheila Roberts - October 16 (Review)
  • A Celtic Yuletide Carol by Jennifer Ivy Walker - November 20 (Review)

You can read the latest Christmas news at the Christmas Year Round blog. Another great week of Christmas news. You can check out my latest post here.

I have two early morning appointments, so hope to check out your blogs this afternoon. Enjoy your week!


  1. Sounds like the real estate business is humming along. Audiobooks are great and do help our reading. Hope you enjoy Maria when you get to. it.

    1. It is. Slow start looks like it will be a quick finish. Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn.

  2. Glad the real estate business is going well. We are waiting for prices of new homes to drop in order to move on.


    1. Thanks, Harvee. Some areas of the country are shifting, but we haven't seen a ton up here. Appreciate the visit.

  3. Great photos and books! Enjoy your week.

  4. Great list of books. I haven't read Maria but I've seen The Sound of Music 100's of times and love it. One of my favorites. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Oh, me too, Yvonne. One of my favorite movies. I've read Charmian Carpenter's memoir, and I have a few von Trapp books here. I met the von Trapp Children several years ago when they came to Deerfield for the release of their new CD. Hope you enjoy your week!

  5. Wow! What a busy time for you. Audiobooks are a joy when you are busy. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Very busy! Sure beats being bored. I never used to enjoy audiobooks, but I love them now. Thanks for visiting, Kathy.


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