Sunday, March 24, 2024

Audible Book Review: Start with Why by Simon Sinek


Life changing. Thought provoking. Inspiring. These words and more describe Start with Why by Simon Sinek. 

Since I began my real estate career ten years ago, I've been hearing about this book. Motivational speakers refer to it. Instructors quote from it. I've lost count of how many times this title has been recommended. Having now read it, I understand why.

Sinek's Golden Circle focuses on the why because that is your purpose and what you believe. In his conversational and engaging style, he talks about the importance of focusing on why, not how or what. With a study of Apple, Martin Luther King Jr, and the Wright Brothers, Sinek shows how focusing on your purpose drives how you do things and what you do, not the other way around. 

Here's a great TED Talk that summarizes what you find in the book. Sinek shares how great leaders inspire action. 

Why did this hit home for me? Because I've been a person who overanalyzes the how and what of my career, but not always the why. Because as Sinek gets down into the weeds of how starting with why makes a difference, I found myself nodding over and again. The Golden Circle makes sense. How he analyzes Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers helps you realize how that one difference in their approach moved them forward and inspired those around them to action. Best of all, this book shows you how you can achieve this as well. 

Start with Why is a book that current and future leaders and entrepreneurs should read. 

Listening Length7 hours and 18 minutes
AuthorSimon Sinek
NarratorSimon Sinek
Whispersync for VoiceReady Release DateSeptember 05, 2017
PublisherPenguin Audio
Program TypeAudiobook
I used an Audible credit to purchase this book. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed this book. I wish I had read it when I was much younger. :-)


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