Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Words to Inspire My 2024

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Happy new year, everyone! Hope you enjoyed the last couple of days. Here we are at the first Tuesday of 2024. 

This week's topic is supposed to be about favorite books from 2023. I'm just not feeling it yet. So, I've decided to share ten words that will inspire my new year. As you know, our family has been through a lot of transition the last few years. I'm finally digging my way out of it and finding myself again. Without further ado, I give you the...

Top Ten Words to 
Inspire My 2024

Discover - Being a mother since I was 18, I’ve spent my entire adult life taking care of others and tending to their needs. Somewhere along the way, I lost myself. While I would do it all again, what I wanted out of life was left behind. Though I’ve never been one to give up on my dreams, I tucked them away. After a year filled with transitions, I need to discover them again; see what I want out of the second half of my life. 

Decide - Once I rediscover those dreams, I need to decide which ones I want to pursue and which ones I am most passionate about.

Explore – Then I need to explore the possibilities. If a budget wasn’t a concern, or if I had unlimited time, I could explore them all. That’s just not the case.

Intentional – So, I must be intentional with how I proceed and define my priorities.

Faith – It will take a lot of faith. I’ll need faith in myself to see it through. But more importantly, I’ll need faith that God’s plan for my life will come to fruition as long as I open my heart and my mind to his guidance and direction.

Action – I’ll need to be a person of action, not just words or thoughts. Overthinking can impede progress.

Brave – That means I must be brave enough to toss fear aside and take a chance, and brave enough to embrace failures along with triumphs.

Courage – Mistakes may happen, so I’ll need courage to admit them and learn from them. And if God reveals a different journey than the road I’m on, I hope I’ll have the courage to accept it.

Grateful – May I approach each day with a grateful heart and look for the blessing in each moment.

Love – As I discover who I am and what I want my future to look like, may I always keep love front and center: love of God, love of family, and love of friends. May I learn to love myself. May that love help me reconcile the past, appreciate the present, and empower the future.  

My sincere wish is that this new year will be kind to you and filled with blessings.


  1. These are beautiful words to start the year! "Explore", "intentional" and "faith" resonate so much with me. Wishing you a very happy new blogging year '24!
    ~Lex (lexlingua.co)

  2. I hope this is a fabulous year for you and your family.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. I set aside my dreams for twenty years while I stayed home and took care of my kids. But, happily, I was able to pursue my dreams again. I hope this is also true for you!

  4. I like your twist on this week's topic. I never thought to put together a list of works to inspire my year.

  5. Such great words for healing, moving forward, and staying in the moment. I wish you and your family the best 2024!


  6. I love this post!! I am feeling exactly what you are feeling. I have been praying a lot about what I am supposed to be doing with my life. Happy New Year!

  7. I was talking with my husband yesterday and mentioned that I've felt like I've lost myself. My youngest is going to be 16 at the end of this month, and I've been Mom for over 21 years. Like you said, you wouldn't change anything, but I set my dreams and goals aside for my girls. They're at that stage where they don't need me 24/7, and I'm unsure what to do with my life. May we both discover that in 2024!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  8. Thanks for your kind words, everyone. So glad these words resonated with you.

    Wishing you the best in 2024, Lex.

    Happy new year, Anne!

    Lydia, I hope the same for you and your family.

    Deb, so glad you were able to pursue your dreams.

    Sarah, hope this list sparked some ideas.

    Wishing you and your family the best, too, Jenni.

    Cindy, I will join you in prayer. Here is to hoping we both be brave enough to discover what is in store for us.

    I'm sure you've found it challenging, Pam. There are days that I swear the silence is deafening. It was so fun to have them here for Christmas. Praying we both discover ourselves in 2024!

    Thanks again for visiting today, everyone. Happy new year!

  9. I love this! You've got me thinking what ten words I would choose for my 2024. Explore, brave, grateful and love are such good ones. But I also really love intentional, faith and discover. Good words for a good year. :D

  10. I love all these words and how beautifully they interact together. Best of luck in all you do in the new year!

    Happy TTT!

  11. Such a neat post! I wish you all the best as you follow your dreams and explore them in 2024!

  12. Thanks, Lark and Susan. It is a project for one of my women's groups. We were tasked with coming up with a word, but that simply doesn't cut it for me without a plan.

    Thanks, Greg. Let's hope life cooperates.

    I appreciate all of you stopping by today.

  13. Good luck in 2024! I hope you accomplish all your goals.

  14. Thanks, Aj. Hope you have a happy and productive year as well.


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