Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2023 But Didn’t Get To

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Here we are at Tuesday again. Are you staying warm and dry? For those in the warmer hemisphere, are you staying comfortable and dry? We are expecting some snow today, but after that it will warm up and we will just get rain.

This week, we are talking about books that we wanted to read last year, but we didn't. Gosh, there are a lot of those on my list. These 10 are books that I highlighted in red on my TBR spreadsheet, so they have been around a while.

Top Ten Books I Meant to Read
in 2023 But Didn’t Get To

Started this, but had to switch to review books.

Owe a review on this one. 

Have owned this since it first came out. It's part of a series, but a stand alone. 

I think this was a gift. 

Started this the year it came out, but broke off to read review books. 

I love Benjamin's writing style. I started the first chapter, but haven't touched it since.

This was my First Book of the Year in 2022. Whoops!

I have had this since it first came out. 

This was on the shelf so long, I forgot I owned it.

I have also owned this since it first came out. 

Hope you have a great week! I am eager to see what books are on your list. 


  1. I loved The Attic on Queen Street! That series is so fun!

  2. Karen White is always a great read. I thought I would read this book when it first came out, but part of me is sad to see this series end. I hope I enjoy the spin off series just as much.

  3. Marilla of Green Gables was interesting. Hope you like it.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  4. I also had books on my pile that I had just forgotten about or hadn't looked at for some time. It was good to find them again. Happy reading.

  5. Thanks, Lydia. I'm sure I will love it when I finally sit down with it.

    I agree, Joy. That is the fun about going through bookshelves.

    Thanks for visiting today, everyone.

  6. All the best to catch up on these Cheryl. I did enjoy the Marilla book. I like Karen White but didn't yet read this one.

  7. These look great. Karen White has been on my TBR forever. I really need to read hers. I hope you get to these and enjoy them.

  8. Marilla of Green Gables caught my attention, but I also don't think I could bear to read a book about characters I love so much, written by someone other than LM Montgomery. Hope you get to all of these in 2024.

  9. An interesting list. I keep getting distracted by Blog Tours so my books get left! I'm trying to cut down to 1 Tour a month. So far I have failed up to March, but April I have high hopes for!!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  10. These all look good. A few are new to me. I hope you enjoy them when you do get an opportunity to read them.

  11. I liked THE CHILDREN'S BLIZZARD when I read it. It's not the easiest subject to read about, but it's interesting. Have you read the non-fiction book of the same title? It's also a really fascinating read.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

  12. I would like to read more about The Children's Blizzard. I first read about the event in one of the Little House books during the pandemic. It was the perfect book for the pandemic, I think.

  13. Thanks, Kathryn. I really want to read Marilla and Karen White's book. But to do that, I need to stop signing up for more book reviews. Such a dilemma.

    I'm glad I am not the only one who hasn't finished the Tradd Street series, Yvonne.

    Sarah, that's a good point. Many years ago, and author published a series of books that took place after The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The created a totally fictional life for the Wilders in the Ozarks. Most LIW fans don't like them.

    So do I, Emily. It's hard to cut back on tours when there are so many good books out there.

    Thanks, Cindy. Hopefully, we all get to our left behind books from 2023.

    Susan, you are so right. I haven't been able to read David Laskin's book about the children's blizzard, but I own it. Like you said, tough topic.

    Definitely a good pandemic book, Deb. That long winter was harsh.

    Thanks for visiting last week, everyone. I appreciate you spending some time here.


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