Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2023 - Updated

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome to the first Tuesday of October! Haven't had the bandwidth to participate in a Top Ten Tuesday since July. This week's topic is Reading Goals I Still Want to Accomplish Before the End of the Year. Since I usually check in once a quarter with my goals--at least in my head, if not online--I figured I would bring up the list I started with and see how that is going. 

Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2023 - UPDATED 

One First Chapter Review a week 

JUNE UPDATE: I knew it would be hard, but it became impossible when work increased. I guess I would rather be in the top five of my company than keep this promise. 😊 I have posted six this year (though I had to unpublish one because the book contract was canceled), so that’s one a month. Not too bad. 

OCT UPDATE: I haven't posted any First Chapter Reviews since my last update, though I do have a couple coming up. Real estate has taken up a lot of my time this year, and money-making comes first.

Read 10 books from my TBR Pile. 

JUNE UPDATE: I am so bad about not indulging in VBT books. Three of the books I’ve read this year were from my TBR Pile. 

OCT UPDATE: I have read 15 books from TBR pile this year. Full disclosure is that some of these were additions to my TBR pile in 2023, but they weren't ones I had to review. 

Read 5 leadership books this year. 

JUNE UPDATE: I changed my focus early in the year to focus simply on professional development. This year I have read eight books that fall into that category, plus another book on positive thinking. That’s a win! 

OCT UPDATE: Have logged 10 titles so far, so that's a win!

Read one book in a genre I don't usually read. 

JUNE UPDATE: I’ve definitely read more books in the professional development category than I have in years. I will also be reading a children’s fantasy book soon. 

OCT UPDATE: I read a Christian suspense novel--which I loved--and a graphic novel--also loved--this year. Neither is my go-to genre. Though I love Christian fiction and suspense novels, the blended genre is not one I read often. Have to admit that graphic novels weren't my thing when they first came out, but I'm enjoying them more as time goes on. 

Post more regularly at my children's book blog. 

JUNE UPDATE: I am adding more children’s books to my reading schedule. Not sure if when December 31 rolls around I will have posted more at this blog or not. 

OCT UPDATE: TC&TBC is definitely getting more love this year. It was intended to be more of a children's authors blog for me, but I mostly share other authors' books and where I am blogging. I still post author news there occasionally, which backs up my website

Reconsider the book lists (including freebies) I subscribe to and delete at least one. 

JUNE UPDATE: I didn’t delete any, but I don’t check the emails regularly anymore. I could go weeks without adding any new books to  my TBR Pile. 

OCT UPDATE: I rarely check Kindle freebie lists these days. My list shows only four this year.

Take a writing MasterClass.

JUNE UPDATE: I haven’t started any of these but in addition to Nick Gaiman’s class on the art of storytelling, I’ve added Judy Blume Teaches Writing and Shonda Rhimes Teaches Writing for Television to my library. 

OCT UPDATE: Started Shonda Rhimes' class but not the others. I need to look at these again, since my subscription expires at the end of the year. Right now, I am focusing on material regarding the genre I want to tackle for NaNoWriMo

Re-organize my works in progress.

JUNE UPDATE: I am thinking about what I should do. I’m supposed to have a book coming out this year, so I will need to market that. I’ve got one completed book being reviewed by an illustrator, which might need some revisions. I’m still plugging away at my middle grade novel when I have time. Other than that, I really haven’t considered this task. 

OCT UPDATE: I've looked through them. Does that count? Total fail on this one. 

Increase the number of paid editing jobs.

JUNE UPDATE: This year has been a good one so far, but my regular work schedule may impede further progress. 

OCT UPDATE: Definitely surpassed what I thought this year would look like on editing jobs. Not likely I will tackle any more than I have in process right now. 

Submit one or two short stories.

JUNE UPDATE: There is one I am focusing on, just not sure if it will fit.

OCT UPDATE: So much for June's focus. Summer was so busy in my real estate world. Things are starting to slow down a bit, but I have big real estate goals in 2024, so need to spend some of the last quarter of 2023 putting the right things in place. 

That's my list. How are your 2023 goals/promises going? What is one thing you want to accomplish before the end of the year? 


  1. It sounds like you're doing a great job on your goals. Keep it up!

  2. Nice job on your goals so far!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. It looks like you're doing awesome on your goals! Congrats. :D

  4. Thanks, Deanna, Lydia, and Lark. Hope to complete at least a couple more before year's end. Good luck with your goas! Thanks for visiting.

  5. I need to unsubscribe from the emails I'm on that send me links for discounted books. I fall for them WAY too often. LOL.

    Happy TTT!

  6. You are doing great with your goals, I think. You have set some big ones. I'm especially curious about the Masterclass. I might think about that for next year.

  7. Great goals and well done on your professional life! Reading for me is just for fun - I am a stay at home mum but if I wasn't then progressing at work would come before reading.

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  8. I didn't think I'd enjoy graphic novels, but it definitely a medium that has grown on me.

  9. Good luck! I'm also trying to read books from my TBR shelf. It's surprisingly hard. I want to buy new books so bad.

  10. I think you're doing great! I'm getting ready for Nanowrimo, too. So many things get in the way of writing. Good luck!

  11. Susan, I have to do that as well. It's easier not to indulge if you don't know about them.

    Thanks, Lectrice.

    Deb Nance, I've enjoyed Masterclass. Hope you get a chance to use it.

    Thanks, Emily. Reading is a great way to spend the time.

    Alicia, I feel the same. I didn't think I would care for them, but they have grown on me.

    Aj, I totally hear what you're saying. New books are so tempting.

    Thanks, Emma.

    Thanks, Dedra. I agree: a lot gets in the the way.

    Thanks for visiting, everyone.

  12. These are some great goals, and it sounds like you're making good progress on them.


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