Tuesday, September 5, 2023

NaNoWriMo Anyone?


It is possible I am crazy. I'm not a NaNoWriMo person. I've tried a couple of times to spend November, one of the busiest months in my world, writing a 50,000 word novel. It never works. That's why I started participating in Picture Book Idea Month, now known as STORYSTORM. Way easier to come up with 30 picture book ideas than write 50,000 words. Yet, I decided out of the blue on Sunday that 2023 would be a NaNoWriMo year. 

One must ask herself why. I mean, this will be the best year for me in real estate since I started. I'm looking to expand my real estate business in 2024. Rarely do I take a day off and, even when I'm on vacation, I'm working. So, why now? 

Maybe mortality hits you in the face every once in a while. You look up to find you have gray hair and haven't checked much off your bucket list. Not that life hasn't been great, but sometimes you wonder if more exists for you out there. And if it does, isn't it your job to make it happen? Who else cares about it more than you? Who else can you rely on? 

So, maybe I am crazy. Maybe I'll burn out in a week. Who knows? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

Wondering if any of my loyal readers are also participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Please let me know in the comments. I would love to follow your progress. Here's to NaNoWriMo and all the writers out there willing to plunge right in! 


  1. Good for you! I wish you all the best with your writing...may the words and ideas flow. :D


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