Monday, August 7, 2023

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - Aug 7

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday. 


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.       

Welcome to the first Monday in August. Officially, it is still summer. But with getting the Lil' Princess ready to head back to college in the middle of the month, I am ready to decorate for fall and look forward to things like hayrides, homemade applesauce, and buying pumpkins and mums. 

Before I get too deep into my lack of reading, would you all do me a favor? I am looking for reader input for those who follow, subscribe, or check in a few times a week. Can you please leave your comments here? I greatly appreciate it. Also, I updated my blog link list, so feel free to check it out and visit some other blogging friends. 

The last week was a mixture of fun and challenges. Tons of meetings and preparing a new listing captured some of my attention. I also met with a real estate friend for lunch on Thursday. So that was all fun. As for challenges, I finally took my father-in-law's clothes out of storage and began the slow process of taking apart my mother-in-law's bedroom that we created for her when she moved in this April. I packed her clothes, along with my father-in-law's, and donated them Thursday morning. None of us has really gone in that room much since she passed unexpectedly the day after she arrived. Reining in the emotions is tough, but I figure once the Lil' Princess is settled back in school, I will make a better effort so that when she comes home for Thanksgiving, the room will be back almost to what it was before. 

In my reading world, I am almost done with this one. My review is due August 21st. 

Will finish Wendi's book this week. My review will appear August 18th. 

I also read a bit of this one, which is such a great book.

Next up are the following:

Not sure what I will read after that. Charlotte Hubbard, Shelley Shepard Gray, and Rosalind Lauer have a book coming out in December. So if I am asked to review that, I will. Sheila Roberts' next Christmas title is due out in October, so I will ask for that one as well. Would like to catch up on my TBR pile before the end of the year. 

Upcoming virtual book tours:
  • Exits by Stephen C. Pollock - August 7 (review)
  • Mama Dida: My Road to Canada by Leonida Teohari - August 8
  • Blood & Water by Linda Armstrong-Miller - August 9
  • Shoebox Baby by Sharon Bruce - August 11
  • Red Tail Feathers by Wendi Lou Lee - August 18 (review)
  • Sammy the Sailing Sea Turtle by Gwendol - August 16 (TC&TBC)
  • Ravage & Son by Jerome Charyn - August 21 (review)
  • Victoria James: And The Mysterious Case of the Chilly Willies by Elizabeth Burns August 29 (review TC&TBC)
  • Precious Burdens by Avery Sterling - August 31
  • Murder at Midnight by Katharine Schellman - October 4 (review)
  • Death and the Sisters by Heather Redmond - October 17 (review)
  • Resparking Creativity by Fatemah Mirza & Sumayyah Rafiq - November 20 (review)

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

The mailbox was lonely last week. No new books. Today, I will earn my next Audible credit. I'm not sure if I will grab a writing craft book or a real estate related title. I will see what mood I am in once the credit hits.

That's it for my week. What did you read? What other exciting and fun things happened that you would like to share? Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I have a couple of Heather Redmond books I keep meaning to read. Hopefully, I will get a chance to branch out with my historical mysteries this coming year and finally give them a chance.

  2. Murder at Midnight is on my review stack too. Sounds like you are spending time getting organized which is always good. Enjoy your coming week despite having to send you daughter back to school. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. I'm looking forward to all those fall things. It's been a good summer- always goes by fast- but I'm kinda ready for fall too.

  4. My daughter starts back to school this week. There's an orientation Thursday where we'll get her schedule. She's really anxious about starting middle school. I always feel a bit mixed about this time of year. I hope your daughter gets off well to college! I equate the start of school with autumn and yet it's still very much summer here . . . I don't think I've ever had homemade applesauce. That sounds really good!

    Murder at Midnight caught my eye in your post. I will have to check that one out. I hope you enjoy it and your other reading!

    Sending a virtual hug your way. I am sure it isn't easy going through your inlaws' belongings and donating them.

    Have a good week and happy reading!

  5. So sorry for your loss at your MIL's passing. I get it about going through her stuff. My FIL dies last year at 97, and our basement is still filled with everything from his apartment after he had to move to a nursing home last January. My husband is going through it a little at a time.

    Looks like some nice variety for you in reading last week. Hope you enjoy this week's books, too!

    Book By Book

  6. Thanks, Sue. I appreciate your kind words. Sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

    Hope you have a nice week.

  7. I like the new background. I am looking forward to fall too.
    It is hard to pack up things to go. I have cleared out my hubby's shoes and clothes from drawers. We have shared his favorited camouflage shirts around the family. I expect to work on the shirts and suits in the next two months. I am toying with keeping his ties to make some type of table runner or some other keepsake. Taking deep breathes just thinking about these tasks.

    Murder at Midnight has a cover and blurb I really like.
    Happy Reading!

  8. Sometimes it's good o have a lonely mailbox, to allow you time to catch up with other books.
    For once, I had one. My Mailbox book is at the very end of this post:


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.