Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Audible Book Review: Atomic Habits by James Clear


Like the header says, "Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results," is what you'll find in Atomic Habits by James Clear. 

From the opening pages, Clear shares strategies that bring about amazing results from tiny changes. Instead of focusing on the setting of goals and rewards for accomplishments, the author discusses the "process" of changing your habits and the science behind a system where one step at a time you work toward the changes you seek.

Whether you love science or are indifferent to it (like me), the value in Clear's system is there. Instead of waiting for that one defining moment, why not focus on the small daily improvements that bring about change? Why can't we, as Clear says, strive to be "1% better every day?' In a thoughtfully formatted book, Clear outlines a series of laws and advanced tactics to help you build good habits and break bad ones. 

I own Atomic Habits on Audible and in print. Like most books in the personal and professional development genre, I find it helpful to refer to a printed book I can mark up. One of the most helpful tables in the book breaks down "How to Create A Good Habit" and "How to Break A Bad Habit" by breaking each law down into multiple steps. I consider it a cheat sheet of sorts. Of course, Clear offers many online resources as well.

After hearing so many people rave about Atomic Habits, I am glad I finally read it. Though I am still working on my "1% better every day," the results I have seen lately bring me a sense of accomplishment and joy that had been lacking. I look forward to exploring more of Clear's resources.

Highly recommended!

Listening Length5 hours and 35 minutes
AuthorJames Clear
NarratorJames Clear
Whispersync for VoiceReady Release DateOctober 16, 2018
PublisherPenguin Audio
Program TypeAudiobook

I purchased a printed copy of this book in 2021, and I downloaded an Audible book with a free credit. This review contains my honest opinions, which I have not been compensated for in any way.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing this one. I had to get it from the library to check it out.


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