Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things Getting in the Way of Reading

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! I hope you're having a lovely week. When I saw this Tuesday's topic, I knew I had to participate. Though my reading time this year hasn't been too bad, it has suffered so much since I returned to working outside the home. Here are:

Top Ten Things Getting in the Way of Reading

Meetings - Because I sit on a variety of committees for the local real estate board, plus I am still an officer of the Association as the Immediate Past President, there are several meetings a month. That doesn't even count the brokerage company meetings.

Driving - My job requires a lot of time in the car. That's why I finally broke down and subscribed to Audible. That said, I only read professional development books on Audible, and there are still times I can't read, like when I have a passenger in the car.

Editing - When I am getting paid for an editing job, I am going to put that before reading because I am making a commitment to have a completed project ready on time. 

Talking on the phone - Because of my job, I spend a lot of time on the phone. There are days, just like this morning, that I have messages before I wake up. Some days, I spend a majority of my working hours on the phone.

Texting - I am a fast texter and probably more responsive than I need to be. Though I am getting better about not responding right away, it's not unusual for me to respond in less than 15 seconds. My job and my family commitments require a lot of texting. 

Appointments - You can't be successful in real estate unless you are setting up appointments with buyers and sellers. When I get lazy about appointments, my bottom line suffers. However, they do interfere with reading time.

Blogging - This is probably a silly one to add, but it is true. I love blogging. If I have a chance to blog or read, I will blog... despite needing to read to keep blogging most of the time. 

Feeling overwhelmed - Other than reading Scripture, if I am too overwhelmed by my schedule, I can't focus on reading. I will pick up a book, read a few sentences or paragraphs, then put it back down.

The kids traveling - When the kids have travel plans and will be driving, I pretty much can't read unless it is Scripture. One will be driving to Rhode Island and the other will be heading down to North Carolina over the summer. Until I know they have arrived safely, I can't focus on reading.

Fewer baths - This is probably TMI but I used to bathe every night and enjoy reading in my jacuzzi tub. These days, I prefer showers. 

How about you? What is interfering with your reading time? 


  1. I’m with you on feeling overwhelmed. Nice to stop by here.

  2. Thanks, Rue. Glad to see you.

  3. When I am feeling overwhelmed I try to stick with lighter reads (a lot lately!). I think it's funny, but blogging would have been on my list too, had I done this topic. It takes quite a while to put the posts together and get them published.

  4. I hear you, Cindy. I do the same when overwhelmed. Blogging is a definite commitment.

  5. A great list. You sound like such a busy person!

    Have a great week and I hope that you manage to get some reading time in!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  6. Almost everyone has mentioned blogging this week. It's ironic, but so true! Blogging takes time away from reading, as does visiting other people's blogs, making comments, participating in memes, etc. It's fun time (at least for me), but it does get in the way of my reading.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  7. Work is an understandable distraction from reading. It's a necessary evil, right!? Unfortunately I'm the opposite with blogging. I will choose reading way too often. 😬😃

  8. Thanks, Emily. I enjoy being busy.

    Right, Susan? So much fun, but so much work.

    Dedra, so true. We must work.

    Thanks for visiting, everyone.

  9. Oh, meetings! How I loathe (hated, abhor, despise!) meetings. I can't remember a single meeting out of thousands I've attended that was worthwhile.

  10. Meetings can be so annoying, Deb. I would much rather be reading.

  11. It is very ironic as book bloggers that blogging takes away from our time reading, but it is true!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/17/top-ten-tuesday-420/


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