Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: The First 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! I hope you're having a fabulous week. I spent yesterday editing and proofreading, then dabbling in real estate. Today, it is back to real estate full time. 

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is so much fun. I used a list randomizer to create a list of the 296 books in my 2023 TBR Pile spreadsheet. These are the first ten in the list in order. 

This is a Christmas devotional. I like its smaller size, so that I can tuck it into a bag and read it when I have a few quiet moments. Because it has such a beautiful cover, I often bring it downstairs during the holidays and display it.

This is Melissa Gilbert's second memoir. In it, Gilbert shares how she and her husband bought a rustic house in the Catskills and how that experience changed her life. I've started reading this book, but haven't gotten too far simply because I have to keep breaking away to read review books. Hopefully, I will read it this summer.

In the early days of returning to the fulltime workforce, I held onto the silly notion that I would read at the same level as I did before. So, I subscribed to Harlequin home shipments. It didn't take me long to realize that even though I love cowboy romances, they aren't the first genre I will choose with my limited reading time. I would still like to read this one.

The 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic happened in 2012. As a result, numerous novels using this historic event in some way entered the market. This historical novel had a dual-time plot. Right now, it is sitting in my closet in a box, but I really want to read it because the plot sounds fascinating. 

I think this contemporary romance is also part of a series that I received via mail order. Even now when I read the synopsis, it draws me in. This one makes me think of Hallmark movies.

This young adult historical mystery features a young Emily Dickinson taking a turn at playing sleuth. I've always been a fan of MacColl's books, but I don't read as many as I should.  

I won this murder mystery years ago, along with a bunch of others. Most of them I have never read, which makes me feel like a total jerk, but they are still on my list of books to read. 

I find it interesting that the random list generator chose two books from the same author. These two are from the year I was on Vannetta Chapman's launch team; an experience that made me realize I won't be a good launch team candidate until I am retired. :) Chapman is such a prolific writer that I could never keep up. After the year was over, I didn't even try. 

Deep Shadows is a Christian dystopian novel, the first in The Remnant series. 

Sarah's Orphans is an Amish romance. It is the third book in her Plain and Simple Miracles series. I read the first two books and thoroughly enjoyed them. 

No matter how hard I try, I can't place how I came to own this book. My best guess is I found it on sale at Walmart. This Christian living title has been in print since 1983. 

Have you read any of these books? If you did, what were your thoughts? 


  1. A delightfully random list of books! Don't tie this gal down to one genre!

  2. I also used a randomizer to pick my books this week! Honestly, I haven't thought about the Harlequin monthly shipments in a long time.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. Back to the Prairie sounds good.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-the-first-10-books-i-randomly-grabbed-from-my-shelf/

  4. The Titanic book from 2012 sounds very intriguing.

  5. I’d love to read these. I’m glad I found you.

  6. Looks like you have some interesting reads on your shelf.

  7. Using a randomizer was a great idea!! Great list! I like Vanetta Chapmann's books as well.

  8. I didn't know Melissa Gilbert had a second memoir! I really liked The Girl Who Came home.

  9. It's interesting to see how everyone went about randomising their selection process this week, I didn't even think about using a random number generator or something like that! You certainly have an interesting mix of books.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/02/top-ten-tuesday-418/

  10. Anne, I definitely enjoy a wide variety of books.

    Pam, I don't usually subscribe to such clubs, but it was market research in case I decided to write in that genre. Writing time is so little these days, that doesn't seem likely.

    Lydia, I enjoyed Gilbert's first memoir, so I am hoping this one is good as well.

    Deb, it does sound like a good book. I really need to make time to read it... of course, I need to find it in the closet first. :)

    R's Rue, great to see you here!

    Deanna, thanks for visiting.

    Cindy, Chapman's books are some of my favorites.

    Glad to hear you recommend The Girl Who Came Home, Unknown. Thanks for stopping by.

    My book list is so long, iloveheartlandX, that I couldn't think of how else I would pick ten.

    Thanks to everyone for visiting.


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