Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten New to Me Authors I Added to My Goodreads Want To Read List in 2022

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday! This week's topic is flexible. I could have written about 10 new to me authors whose books I read last year, but looking to give you more variety, I am sharing...

Top Ten New to Me Authors I Added to My Goodreads Want to Read List in 2022

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think of them? What books are on your list this week?


  1. I’ve heard good things about The Maid.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-new-to-me-authors-i-discovered-in-2022/

  2. I love discovering new authors, and as a blogger it's usually from other bloggers' reviews now! The Maid is on my list.

  3. Everyone has The Maid and that author on their lists today, so I bet it will be great when you get to it!

  4. The Maid was good; I liked that one a lot. And I really enjoyed Book Lovers, too. :D

  5. I really enjoyed The Maid and hope you will too. And The Song of Achilles is so good! I haven't read any of the other books on your list outside of those two, but join you in wanting to read many of them! Book Lovers is definitely one of the ones I hope to get to. I've heard nothing but good things about Firekeeper's Daughter. I haven't heard of The Betrayal of Anne Frank, but you have me curious. I am adding that to my wish list. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  6. I read Emily Henry this past year as well :) Have a great week!

  7. What did you think of The Betrayal of Anne Frank? It’s interesting to think we might know who turned her and her family in.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  8. Book Lovers is a popular choice this week!

  9. I've read The Song Of Achilles and I wasn't a huge fan but I do seem to be the odd one out on that one. I preferred Madeline Miller's other book, Circe.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/24/top-ten-tuesday-404/

  10. I've read March and it wasn't my favorite but I've never been a fan of Little Women; that connection could have thrown me off. My favorite Geraldine Brooks book is People of the Book. It was fantastic.

    I was surprised by how much I liked Book Lovers since I usually stay well away from romantic books. I haven't read The Song of Achilles but I loved Circe by the same author. Several of your other choices catch my attention, like the Anne Frank book.

    I hope you enjoy these when you read them!

  11. Nita Prose and Beth O'Leary are both recent discoveries for me. I'm glad that I found them both.

  12. I've read and enjoyed 5 of these! Song of Achilles was phenomenal. And One Night on the Island was one of my favorite reads last year. Happy reading!

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone. How nice to see so many comments this week.

    Lydia, I have heard a lot of good things, too. I hope I enjoy it.

    Greg, you are so right. The blogging community helps me add to my Goodreads shelf regularly.

    Deanna, I've seen The Maid around so much this year. Fingers crossed!

    Lark, glad to hear you enjoyed The Maid and Book Lovers.

    Literary Feline, Book Lovers has been on my mind since it came out. I am glad I grabbed it.

    Cindy, glad to hear you've read Emily Henry this year. I look forward to reading Book Lovers.

    Astilbe, I haven't read The Betrayal of Anne Frank yet, but it is on my list. I love history.

    Lectrice, I agree. I've seen it around a lot.

    iloveheartlandX, I think my daughter has read both The Song of Achilles and Circe. If so, I will need to grab the latter from her.

    Jen, out of my three favorites--Anne of Green Gables, Little House, and Little Women--Little Women is definitely in last place. I do, however, enjoy the time period in which it was written.

    Deb, the covers are the first thing that captivated me. Glad to hear you recommend them.

    Dedra, sounds like we are on the same wave length. One Night on the Island sounds amazing. So glad for the strong recommendation.

    Again, thanks to each of you for visiting last week.

  14. Anne of Greenville is cute, with some stressful moments in it. Book Lovers was an enjoyable read; I have Emily Henry on my list for this week. The No-Show is a great read, be prepared for the twist near the end. One Night on the Island has great characters, and the setting is fantastic. I think I'm in the minority, as I didn't enjoy The Maid. And I have the Anne Frank book on my TBR. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I hope you have a great week.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  15. I read the Betrayal of Anne Frank, but the others are all new to me also. I also requested the Iron Empires book from my library.


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