Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Bought That Have Been in my TBR Pile the Longest

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome to the last Tuesday in January! My that went by quickly.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie, and I am attempting to be creative... though I know I will travel the blogosphere today and find many of you have more clever topics than I do. That's okay. We all have our strengths. To give the books that have been on my TBR pile forever some love, I am going to share with you my...

Top Ten Books I Bought That Have Been in my TBR Pile the Longest

Met the author at a writer's conference in 2011 and bought an autographed copy. It has been on my shelf since. 

I met this author online and even read some of the drafts for this series. I bought this book when it came out in 2015 and haven't picked it up since. I am sad to say we lost touch with each other as our lives grew chaotic. She has written so many books that I need to check out.

I am not sure when this one made it to my house, but it has been in my TBR pile since 2013. 

I bought this book after I saw the movie in the theater in 2014. It is now sitting in a box waiting for me to have time to read it. 

MacColl is one of my favorite authors for young people. This series is geared toward ages 12 and up. This book has been in my TBR pile since 2014.

This one makes me really sad. I bought this book in 2014 when it was first published. The author was a member of my church family. He also published a second in the series, The Tree of Lost Dreams, before he passed away. 

I am pretty sure I bought this book at a school book fair, which tells you how long I've owned it since book fairs ended in elementary school and my youngest is now in college.

For the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, many books--fictional and otherwise--came out in 2012. I bought this one and added it to my TBR pile in 2014. It is still hiding in my box of historical novels. 

Here is another historical novel I added to my TBR pile in 2014. The woman on the cover reminded me of Lady Sybil from Downton Abbey, so I wanted to read it. 

While I don't read a lot of them, I love cowboy romances. Always have. This book was published in 2008. For a short period of time, I belonged to a Harlequin book club. Then I realized it made no sense for me to pay to have books delivered to my house when I had so many unread books here. That didn't stop me from buying other books, but I definitely couldn't keep up with these regular shipments. 

What are some books that have lingered in your TBR pile? Do you know how many years they have been on your list? Have your reading tastes changed since you added them? 


  1. Oh gosh, I would have a lot of books that have been on my TBR for this long (or longer) too!

  2. I just finished reading a book which has been on my bookshelf for years and years. I hated it. Why did I save it for long? I hope you have better luck then me.

  3. No great idea for the freebie, I did the opposite of you and did ten of the recent books to my TBR.

  4. Manor of Secrets does look very Downton Abbey-esque. Makes me curious for that reason alone. :)

  5. I think this is a great idea for a TTT list! Some of the books that have been on my TBR the longest came from an afternoon at the library when I started scanning covers while my kids picked out books and played games (and that was quite a long time ago, as my youngest is 15 today!!)

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. Wow, 11-12 years is a long time to have something on your TBR!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-confes

  7. A book from 2011? Yes, I'd either read it this year or pass it along to others.

    My post, if you’d like to take a look: https://readerbuzz.blogspot.com/2023/01/its-new-year-so-shall-we-try-for-happy.html

  8. This topic gives me nightmares! LOL Only because you know we all have books like this sitting on our shelves. I can think of a few that are taunting me right now! Although, a few years ago I got rid of a bunch of books on my Kindle I hadn't read yet and it was very freeing. Physical books are harder to do that with for me, though. Good luck with these!

  9. I genuinely never want to do a topic like this for fear of how long some of the books I have have just been sitting there waiting for me to read them! I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them though :)
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/31/top-ten-tuesday-405/

  10. I've got The Monuments Men on my TBR shelves too :-)

    Here's my TTT this week...

  11. I am impressed you know how long they have been on your shelf!!

  12. These sound so interesting! But I can completely empathize with having books on my shelves for way too long, waiting to be read. Hopefully, this will be the year that we finally get to them!

  13. I like your topic! I definitely have a lot of these too, hope we'll get to them someday soon(ish) :)

  14. I'm impressed that you know how long each book has been in your TBR pile! I have some books sitting on my shelves that I seriously don't know how long I've had them. And I thought Always Emily was a very fun book; I liked that one a lot. :D

  15. I loved The Monuments Men movie as well. I would totally read the book. I'll have to add it to my TBR list. Thanks for the reminder!

    Happy TTT!

  16. Oh, I like your pick for this weeks freebie theme. Have a wonderful week. - Katie

  17. I also have lots on my shelves that have been there for years. They're still there because I know I'll read them someday! :) And my Kindle is even worse....out of sight, out of mind. Hope you have a terrific week and find time to enjoy a good book.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  18. It's cool that you know how long you've had these books. I think my oldest books are from 2020, but there might be older ones on my Kindle.

  19. The TTT bloggers always come through with visits and comments. That's why I love this meme and the Monday ones.

    Marg, I truly find it embarrassing, so it is partially a way to encourage myself to decide what to do with them.

    Anne, that can happen. I am trying to be better about DNFing books when I don't enjoy them.

    Kathryn, that might have been a better list for me...and not quite as embarrassing.

    Rissi, I grabbed a few DA type books when the show was on. I haven't read a single one. :(

    Pam, that is one reason I don't visit our library as often as I would like. With so many books here, why borrow any? One day, I will clear out my stacks and borrow more.

    Lydia, it is totally shameful.

    Deb, I agree.

    Deanna, that's why I am writing first chapter reviews of them. If I don't enjoy the Kindle book after the first chapter, I get rid of it.

    iloveheartlandX, I can understand that.

    Rachel, it was such a fascinating movie.

    Thanks, Cindy. I track them via an Excel spreadsheet, plus I have purchase dates from Amazon. I might be better served not thinking about how long some of them have been there. :)

    Thanks, Leah. I would really love some reading time.

    Lindsey, hope you whittle away your TBR pile this year.

    Lark, Always Emily sounds like a fabulous book. I really need to read it.

    Susan, I hope it's good I just added to your TBR pile.

    Katie, glad you enjoyed the topic.

    Terrie, I agree. I will go through my books once a year to see if anything doesn't capture my attention anymore, but usually that is only a few books.

    Aj, that is great you only have books on your list from a few years ago.

    Thanks to all of you for visiting this week and for your thoughtful comments.


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