Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2023

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

It is that time of year again--bookish goal setting time. Let's start with reviewing last year's goals, which I called promises in 2022.

2022 Bookish Promises Review

To read more from my TBR Pile than I did in 2021.

Out of the 43 books I read last year, 22 were from my TBR Pile. That’s a win! 

To catch up on one favorite series.

Well, yes, but there were only two books in this series so far. I also read the latest Rocky Bluff P.D. novel. 

To read one of the oldest books from my TBR Pile. 

I read four short Kindle freebies I had bought moons ago. 

To be okay with not finishing books I don't enjoy.

I may never be okay with this, but I did not finish one book that I simply couldn’t get through. 

To write one First Chapter Review a quarter.  

Looks like I posted 17 First Chapter Reviews in 2022. That’s a win! 

To not sign up for a single reading challenge except the Goodreads Challenge.

I stayed true to my goal and only signed up for this challenge, which I won… of course, my goal wasn’t outrageous (40). 

To read one leadership book this year.

I read Flock and The Coaching Habit. 

To get off some VBT mailing lists.

I did not do this, but I am deleting a lot of emails instead. 

To re-organize my works in progress.

Nope. Not even close. Didn’t even think about it. 

To re-think my publishing goals.

No, but I had a short story published in 2022.

There were more successes in 2022 than I anticipated. Yeah me!!!

Now, on to my...

Top Ten Bookish Promises for 2023

One First Chapter Review a week

This will be a hard promise to keep, especially if the first three weeks of 2023 are any indication of my schedule. I will continue to focus on the free Kindle books I downloaded.

Read 10 books from my TBR Pile.

This will mean disciplining myself not to choose VBT books over what I already own.

Read 5 leadership books this year.

Audible will help. I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. More time in the car helped. I will need to scan the 100 recommended books from my latest training session to see if anything catches my eye.

Read one book in a genre I don't usually read.

I try to do this every year, though I didn't make it in 2022.

Post more regularly at my children's book blog. 

The Children's and Teens' Book Connection doesn't get as much love as it should. I would like to post there more regularly.

Reconsider the book lists (including freebies) I subscribe to and delete at least one.

Part of why I never make it through my TBR Pile is that I subscribe to numerous lists, including two or three offering free or bargain Kindle downloads. My husband reconfigured my Inbox this year, so now is a good time to eliminate some subscriptions. 

Take a writing MasterClass.

I've tagged Neil Gaiman Teaches the Art of Storytelling on MasterClass

Re-organize my works in progress.

Didn't get to it last year, so hope to get through it this year. 

Increase the number of paid editing jobs.

I've already got a healthy start on this because I have three short books I am working on for an author. 

Submit one or two short stories.

I will submit another story to the magazine that published my Christmas story last year. I am not sure which other story I will focus on.

That's it for me. What do you think of my list? Do we share any of the same goals/promises? 


  1. I need to read more of my books on my shelf or books that are on my TBR. That's always a goal of mine since I know I have some waiting there that I'd enjoy. :) Hope you meet all of your 2023 goals and find some amazing reads in the process.

  2. I hope you are as successful with your 2023 goals as you were with your 2022 goals!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. Learning to DNF is such a great skill. Good luck with it!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2023/

  4. Wow you did so well with your 2022 goals. Good luck with your 2023 ones!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/17/top-ten-tuesday-403/

  5. I hope you can knock all of these out this year. The one about reading an old book off the TBR would be fun.

  6. It sounds like you have some great goals. I have a hard time not finishing books as well, but I'm slowly learning to put books aside that I'm just not enjoying. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. That's so exciting that you had a short story published in 2022. Congrats! I wish you luck on all your goals this year. :D

  8. Good luck on all your goals! You did great with your 2022 goals.

  9. I'd also like to read from my TBR pile this year. Have fun accomplishing your goals!

    My Top Ten Tuesday List

  10. Wow, you ROCKED your goals in 2022! I'm sure you'll do just as well in 2023. I need to get off some book bargain email lists, too. They always sucker me into buying more books when that's about the last thing I need. Ha ha. Glad I'm not the only one :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  11. This is a great list, and I loved seeing that we have a few in common. I haven't seen anyone else put that they're also trying to read books from genres they don't normally read, so it was nice to see that we have that one in common as well! We are going to crush these promises (I love that you call them promises, too)!

  12. They look like great goals - and some that I had never thought of!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  13. You did great with your 2022 goals! Congrats on getting a short story published. I also need to unsubscribe from mail lists. Deleting emails takes up way too much of my time. 😃 Good luck with your 2023 goals!

  14. It took me a while to be okay with DNF-ing but I am getting more and more comfortable with it.

  15. Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for stopping by last week. I think I finally caught up on visiting your blogs.

    Rissi, glad to see we share a similar goal. Maybe we can hold each other accountable.

    Thanks, Pam. Hope you are having fun tackling your goals.

    Lydia, I do find it tough to DNF any book.

    Thanks, iloveheartlandX. Here's hoping we both do well on our goals.

    Thanks, Deanna. I definitely feel success knocking one of the old ones off the list.

    Poinsettia, good luck this year. I hope you are able to put aside the ones you're not enjoying.

    Thanks, Lark. Hoping for a new book in 2023 as well.

    Thanks, Cindy. I didn't realize how well I did until I checked.

    Lectrice, let's hope we both finish more from our TBR pile.

    Thanks, Snapdragon. Good luck to you as well.

    Susan, thanks so much! It is hard to cancel those bargain book emails. There are so many good titles on there I want to read.

    Leah, so glad we have some goals in common. Hopefully, we both discover some new genres to read.

    Thanks, Emily. Good luck with your list.

    Thanks, Dedra. Let's hope 2023 finds us on fewer email lists.

    Sarah, I am glad to hear you have become comfortable with not finishing books. Thanks for the motivation to do the same.

    Thanks again, everyone. I appreciate your visit and your comments.

  16. You did great this past year with your goals! It's definitely something to be proud of. I wish you good luck with your goals for this year. You can do it!


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