Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Words

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.    

Welcome back to Tuesday. It is great to have you here. Today, we are talking about our Top Ten Favorite Words. While not totally bookish, many times we find our favorite words in books. Here is my list.

Plethora - an ample amount or number. I discovered this word years ago. Since then it has been my number one favorite word, and I try to work it into any sentence where it fits.

Amphibian - any of a class of cold-blooded vertebrates. Considering I am not a fan of frogs or toads, I don't know why I like this word, but it has a neat sound to it. I've never been a huge science fan, but I enjoyed studying different animal classes in school.

Bailiwick - the sphere in which one has superior knowledge or skill. How many times have you heard someone say, "That's not my bailiwick?" It's just a funny word.

Diphthong - a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another. How much coin did you use to pay for that toy? Try to say "diphthong" without laughing. Is it just me?

Hoopla - excited or agitated commotion or activity. I probably never would have paid attention to this word, but Starship (formerly Jefferson Airplane and formerly Jefferson Starship) came out with "We Built This City" in 1985 and we were all "knee deep in the hoopla." 

Lollygag - to fool around and waste time. I love the way this word sounds, though I've never had the luxury as an adult of lollygagging. Maybe I should have stayed a kid. :) 

Muumuu - a loose dress with bright colors and patterns originally distributed by missionaries to the women of Hawaii. I had no idea of the history of this dress until I looked up the definition of the word. It's such a funny sounding word, and I've always enjoyed saying it.

Rugrat - a child not old enough for school. We used to be called curtain climbers, but rugrat sounds so much cuter. And then there was Tommy Pickles and crew.

Thingamajig/doohickey/whatchamacallit - something hard to classify or whose name is unknown or forgotten. Though Merriam-Webster says these terms and thingamabob are synonymous, one site says thingamabob refers to a person whose name one has forgotten, does not know, or does not wish to mention. So, don't call me a thingamajig when I am obviously a thingamabob. :) 

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - a nonsensical word used to describe something great or extraordinary. You can thank me later for getting this song stuck in your head for the rest of the day. 


  1. Yes, I do have that song stuck in my head now. LOL!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-words/

  2. Supercali...is the first word that popped into my head when I saw this topic! I've seen it on several lists today, so I'm definitely not the only one. Ha ha.

    Happy TTT!

  3. I knew it would happen to someone, Lydia. :)

    Thanks, Amyee.

    Susan, I am surprised it wasn't the first one I thought of.

    Thanks for visiting today, everyone.

  4. Great words. Plethora was on my list too. https://nicolesnook.com/top-ten-tuesday-10-18-22/

  5. Love your list, Nicole. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I used to hate the word plethora when I was a teenager. My friend used it all the time. Now, I really love it. Nice picks.

  7. Plethora is a great word. :) And so is lollygag.

    Love seeing Mary Poppins too

  8. Hoopla and lollygag are such fun words to say!


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