Monday, July 25, 2022

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - July 25

 Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday. 


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date

Welcome back to Monday! It is so hard to believe that July is almost over. By this time next month, the Lil' Princess will be in North Carolina starting her first year at UNC - Wilmington. But today is a special day because it is Yia-Yia's birthday!

You can often find Yia-Yia sitting in her chair reading her Bible or a devotional.

We won't see her in person today, but we have a visit planned for Thursday. We also have a special party planned in August. I've been able to spend more time with her lately, which is always a blessing, even if the dementia can make it challenging.

I'm struggling to find reading time lately. My work schedule since returning from vacation has been hectic, and my mind really isn't in it. Thankfully, I am ahead of where I need to be for reviews. I am also editing a manuscript for an author that I am so excited to see make its way through its final stages of pre-publication. That is what excites me these days...that and helping people transition to the next stage of home ownership no matter where that might be. 

Today, be on the lookout for a book spotlight of Moral Fibre by Helena O. Sharder. 

My review of this book will appear at my children's book blog this week.

I am hosting a First Chapter Review of this book on July 26.

Look for my review of this writing craft book on August 25.

I have started reading this book. My review will be posted here on September 23.

I would like to read these books next, but it all depends on if I sign up for more book tours. 

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Nothing new this week and I tried to avoid looking at all those Kindle freebies.

What is going on in your reading world? Have you been making it through your TBR pile? What was one of your recent favorites?


  1. It does sound like you are keeping busy. Enjoy your visit. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Very busy, lately, but I guess it beats the alternative. Thanks for visiting, Kathy.

  3. Helping those who want a home would be satisfying and editing a book for an author again another satisfaction. Your books look great so hope they are. Yes dementia is so horrible, challenging to visit but you are sharing your love and care for Yia Yia.

  4. My reading time is limited these days as well. Happy Birthday to Yia Yia!

  5. Sometimes life takes priority over reading. Happy Birthday to your Yia Yia! I hope your daughter enjoys her first year at Uni.

  6. Thanks, Kathryn. I truly love what I do.

    Thanks, Mary. Seems like we are all having busy summers.

    You're right, Veronica. Sometimes life gets in the way of reading. Maybe I need a reading retreat. :)

    Thanks to all of you for visiting today.

  7. Your life does sound a bit hectic these days.
    I really wish that Moral Fibre was available at my local library. It sounds like a fascinating read.

  8. Sounds like such a busy week! I've been wanting to get to The Children's Blizzard -- I've heard a lot about it, and it sounds fascinating!

  9. Cheriee, very hectic, but sure beats the alternative. Sorry to hear Moral Fibre isn't available for you.

    Lisa, we both need to make time for The Children's Blizzard. I'm sure it will be a tough read, but I love Benjamin's work.

    Thanks for visiting!

  10. The year is moving so fast and life can sure be hectic. I hope you have a good visit with Yia Yia. Dementia is so sad and difficult.
    I always like to hear that you enjoy your work. Having a pleasant and professional agent makes the transaction a much better experience.
    Hope you have a good week and Happy Reading!

  11. I sometimes find it hard to get into my reading once I'm back from my vacation. There is just so much to catch up on. How exciting that your daughter is heading off to UNC...this is such a fun time for young people. Have a great week!


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