Saturday, April 30, 2022

Blogging from A to Z 2022 - Zoo

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter

Welcome to Day 26 of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge (2022) I will be discussing topics of interest to those who identify as women this year. The Book Connection is lucky number 78 in a list of more than 140 bloggers who are participating in 2022. I encourage you to check out the list and visit other blogs with topics of interest. 


To end our Blogging from A to Z Challenge for 2022, I want to talk about those furry little members in our lives that are good friends and who offer companionship and comfort. Well, not all of them are furry, right? Maybe you have a bird, a lizard, a fish, or a pig. No matter what type your animal friend is, we are grateful to have them. 

We lovingly call our four cats and the dog a zoo, because morning and evening feeding times are definitely zooish around here. I honestly don't know how farmers handle so many animals at once. We have loved many pets through the years, and we have lost several along the way due to age or disease. But, they are always worth it to us, and we can't imagine our home without them. 

I hope you'll share more about your pets in the comments. Congratulations to all who participated in this year's challenge. What was your easiest letter? What was your hardest letter? Will you join again next year?


Travis & Dwight



R.I.P. Tito

R.I.P. Tiger

R.I.P. Stubby

R.I.P. Miller


  1. I love how Giggles is holding hands.

    We have two dogs and our youngest Dasiy is a rescue, but we call her Dancing Dog because she does a really cute backwards pirouette up on her hind legs as she's about to get her food.

    Well done on finishing the Challenge.
    Visiting from Facing The Mountain

  2. lovely pets :)
    we have 3 tortoises - Gin, Rex and Nikki
    congrats on finishing the A2Z challenge <3

  3. Thanks, Dino. Giggles is one of our friendliest and most talkative. Would love to see Daisy's pirouettes.

    Thanks, ladyleemanila. Love your cats' names.

    Congratulations on making it to the finish line. I look forward to checking out your reflections.

  4. Aww... Look at these lovely faces. Too cute :)


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.