Sunday, August 1, 2021

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - Aug 2

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday.


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Welcome to August. This will be a busy month with at least two new listings, a trip to Chicago for leadership training, the girls heading back to North Carolina, and the Lil' Princess starting her final year of high school. 

This last week was a fun one. I had three closings, so I felt I could spend some time at the end of the week indulging in my other passion--writing. I finished two chapters of my middle grade historical, which means it is 80% complete. I have figured out how the rest will go, but I need to write it. Today, I'm meeting with one of my critique partners to hand over these two chapters for feedback. Other than that, I did some cleaning, scheduled some blog posts, and made some good food.

Dwight and Travis looking adorable

The view during showings this weekend

Theo likes to walk in the woods (very buggy lately)

Chicken pot pie

Chicken and rice soup

As far as reading and reviewing goes, I am desperately working to stay ahead of the game. I finished this fabulous memoir-in-verse on Sunday. Look for my review at this blog on August 18.

These are next on the list. 

If I am wise, after that I will concentrate on my large TBR pile. 

Mailbox Monday is a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued. Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. It now has a permanent home at the Mailbox Monday blog.

Nothing in my physical mailbox this week, but I did order this book. I will be editing the second book in the series, so I want to read this one to remain as consistent as possible. 

Brave Eagle grows to manhood amid the constant changes and turmoil on the Plains. Now, in a world full of choices, Brave Eagle must make many decisions, some for his survival. This period is a time of exploration, discovery, and settlement in the West; intervention and treaties with the U. S. Government; leadership issues between the peace chief Black Kettle and the war leader Roman Nose, the Dog Soldiers, the Sand Creek Massacre, the Massacre at Washita. Is Brave Eagle to be a man of war or a man of peace? Is he to be a fierce frightening warrior or a wise peacemaker? Can he learn to adapt to the white man's world, or would he be able to hold on to the rich traditions of the grandfathers? In the middle 1800's, the white man's world collides with the world of the Native Americans. How would this affect the people of the Plains? Where will this life journey take Brave Eagle?

Doesn't this book sound amazing? I've read about this time period before, so I feel that will help me understand the characters. 

That's it for me. Hope you have a great week. 


  1. Sounds like another busy month coming up for you.
    That view form showings is really nice.
    Hmm - does Theo like the puddles? Those can sure attract bugs like mosquitoes.
    Brave Eagle does sound good. It is a genre I like.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  2. Great photos and adorable kitties. Enjoy your week and your books. Congrats on your writing.

  3. Seems like a very successful week, loved the foody photos - all look so comforting and tasty. Happy reading for this week when there is time.

  4. Sounds like a busy week. I like the photos. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  5. Beautiful view! I couldn't take a buggy walk. Glad Theo could enjoy it!!

  6. I hope your month goes smoothly

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. Dwight and Travis are so cute. Great photos!

    Hope you have a great week!

  8. Your kitties are so cute. And Yummy Pot Pie! Looks like yiu have been busy reading. Looks like a great hall.

  9. Yes, another busy month, Martha, but blessed to have clients who trust me. Theo loves puddles. We ask him to walk on the bridge or on the rocks, but he prefers wading through.

    Thanks, Laurel. Hoping to get more writing done this week, but we shall see how that goes.

    Kathryn, I love comfort foods. Fall is my favorite time of year. Can't wait for the Macintosh apples to be ready, so I can make applesauce.

    Thanks for visiting, Kathy.

    Mary, this is the first walk in the woods he has taken since we came back from NC. We get spoiled down there because there are so few bugs.

    Thanks, shelleyrae and Yvonne. Lisa, I love pot pie, but rarely make it. I was in the mood this weekend.

    Thanks to all for visiting.

  10. Great photos! It's been a while since I had chicken pot pie but now I'm in the mood for it! :-D Enjoy your week!

  11. Thanks, Jen. Put it on your list to make as it gets cooler.

  12. Great photos...I can smell the chicken soup. :)

    Enjoy your books and your week.

  13. What a yummy looking chicken pot pie dish. One of my faves. Have a good week.

  14. My husband would love that Chicken Pot Pie. I am so glad that you're reading is ahead of the game. Mine is may be right on target or slightly behind most days


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