Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Interview with Lucy Adkins and Becky Breed, Authors of The Fire Inside


Lucy Adkins earned her MFA from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and is a writer of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Her poetry and short fiction have appeared in many journals and anthologies, and her first poetry chapbook, One Life Shining, was published by Pudding House Press. She co-presents the Nebraska Humanities program “Diaries and Letters of Early Nebraska Settlers,” and is a frequent writing instructor for OLLI, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and the Larksong Writers’ Workshops. Her book, Two-Toned Dress, was the winner of the 2019 Blue Light Press poetry chapbook contest. 




Becky Breed, a veteran educator, poet, and essayist, co-wrote and facilitated “Women at the Springs,” a Nebraska Humanities program empowering women to live more courageously, as well as “The Intergenerational Project” connecting elders and teens through stories to promote communication, writing, and use of the media. She has an Ed.D. in Education, and in addition to teaching at the university level, was the principal of a Gold Star School which was awarded recognition for significant improvements in reading, writing, and math. The students’ resiliency and drive to be the best they can be helped shape the fabric for several of the enclosed essays. 

Together the two co-authored Writing in Community: Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block and Transform Your Life, which was awarded an “IPPY” in the Independent Publishers Book Awards. Writing in Community, the first book in their “Essential Writing and Creativity” series, along with the impact of Adkins’ and Breed’s many presentations and workshops led to their being named winners of the 2020 Lincoln, Nebraska Mayor’s Arts Award in Artistic Achievement in Literature.




Can you tell us a bit about yourself? 

Lucy Adkins: Always I have felt a strong connection to the natural world, wanting to spend as much time in it as I can. Hiking and bird-watching are two of my greatest joys, along with green and growing things, and I spend a lot of time on my hands and knees in the garden. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska with my husband, a bluegrass musician, and our Scottie dog, Misty. My son and his family (including three fabulous grandchildren) live in Japan, and I am eager for the pandemic restrictions to lessen so I can see them. 

Becky Breed: My parents, avid readers, introduced me to books before I could walk. We didn’t have a television until I was ten so reading was my pleasure. I also spent a lot of time on a horse, looking for adventure and taking care of my pet calves. I had a wild imagination. I’ve always liked stories with a bang. Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Walter Farley’s Black Stallion were two of them, and any writing assignment in school was a joy. Many years later, I still like the same things I did as a child. I am the mother of two daughters and four granddaughters. It gives me so much pleasure to watch how they weave writing and creativity into their lives.

 Where did you grow up?

Lucy Adkins: I grew up on a small farm in Nance County, Nebraska—a spot almost in the very dead center of the United States. 

Becky Breed: I had the pleasure of growing up on several farms in southeastern Nebraska, land of corn, oats, and barley.

What is your fondest childhood memory?

Lucy Adkins: In addition to other farm animals, my family raised sheep, and I loved taking care of the occasional “bottle lamb,” attaching the black rubber nipple to a pop bottle filled with milk, and watching the lamb on his “knees” sucking it down, his tail wagging like mad. 

Becky Breed: One of my favorite childhood memories is being on my grandmother’s farm, wading with my cousin in the creek and making mischief. The pure delight of picking and eating as many red cherries as I could was a guilty pleasure. 

When did you begin writing?

Lucy Adkins: Like many writers, I started writing as a young child and continued through high school and college, then stopped for a long time when I was raising my son. I started what I consider “writing seriously” in my early forties.  

Becky Breed: Early. I just found some kindergarten school papers my mother saved and there was a Mother’s Day card with “You r the bist Mom!” written from me.

What is this book about?

Lucy Adkins: The Fire Inside: A Companion for the Creative Life is a book of encouragement and inspiration inviting the reader to say yes to creativity, uncover sources of inspiration, discover how the “magic” happens, and in so doing, choose to live bigger lives. Its heart-opening short essays and anecdotes can be read “straight through” or a little at a time to provide a daily source of inspiration. 

Becky Breed:  The Fire Inside is about capturing the wonder I felt as a kid. It’s about re-connecting as an adult to the spirit of imagination, seeing new possibilities, not letting no get in the way of your creativity. Our book is about being awake as if witnessing the world for the first time. And then finding how you can add to the joy.

What inspired you to write it?                                              

Lucy Adkins: So many times I have heard people say “I am not creative” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” I strongly disagree. I believe that we all have within vast untapped reservoirs of creativity. And when we recognize and begin to connect with that potential, it will be one of our greatest delights. I want to share that message. 

Becky Breed: I like books that give you a new perspective or help you grow. Sometimes I see my friends shy away from their own creativity, who think creating is only for “some people.” Or, they think they are too old, or what they make is only “a little something.” I believe everyone is inherently creative and there’s no limit to what individuals can do if they put their minds and hands to work. 

Who is your favorite author?

Lucy Adkins: I love Anita Shreve, Julia Cameron, Chris Bohjalian, and Mary Oliver. 

Becky Breed: Louise Erdrich 

Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?

Lucy Adkins and Becky Breed: The Fire Inside can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite bookseller, and is available in paperback, ebook, or on audiotape. It is Volume II of our “Essential Writing and Creativity Series.” While Volume I in the series, Writing in Community, centers around the magic of a generative writing group, and how you can write more and better, shoulder to shoulder with other writers, The Fire Inside speaks not only to writers but to creative people of all stripes, encouraging them to find and grow their passions. You can follow the link to each book below:

The Fire Inside:

Writing in Community: 


Do you have a website and/or blog where readers can find out more?

Lucy Adkins and Becky Breed: Our website,, is an invitation to join the writing and creative communities. It offers posts of inspiration and encouragement no matter whether you are just tiptoeing into the artistic life,  or someone who has been writing and creating a long time. Inspiring writing/creativity exercises accompany each post to help bring out the artist in you. 

Do you have a video trailer to promote your book?  If yes, where can readers find it?

Lucy Adkins and Becky Breed: Go to our website,, and you will find our trailer on the left side of the Home page. 

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?

Lucy Adkins:  I always encourage aspiring writers to read, read, read. Read not only in your own genre, but biography, poetry, science, and history, whatever you can get your hands on. Fill yourself with words, thoughts, and ideas, and they will come out in your writing. Also, develop a practice of writing at least five days of the week, and try to stick to it, even if some days you write for only fifteen or twenty minutes. Then when you find yourself diverted from your practice (as you will), forgive yourself, and begin anew. 

Becky Breed: Do not give up! Believe in yourself, establish a routine and keep writing. 

What is up next for you?

Lucy Adkins: I am currently working on a couple of novels, a book of poetry, and am planning a third book for Becky’s and my “Essential Writing and Creativity Series.” This third book, as yet unnamed will be a book of proven writing exercises to help individuals (whether writing alone or in their writing group) dig deep and unleash their full writing potential. 

Becky Breed: I am a teacher at heart and enjoy working with people. I plan on continuing offering workshops and readings, meeting other writers and creatives, and learning more about this complex and, sometimes, infuriating process of writing. I want to reach out and help others become all they can be. 

Is there anything you would like to add?

Lucy Adkins: I believe it is important to look for opportunities to say yes when it feeds your soul. Too often we say no. We are busy; we doubt ourselves. But the universe has amazing things to offer and keeps on inviting us to partake in it, and when we say yes, the world will open in unbelievable ways. 

Becky Breed: If you haven’t already, consider finding a partner or a writing community to join. Being part of one keeps you motivated and inspired. That has been true for me. It wasn’t until I joined a generative writing group, meeting and writing with others on a regular basis, that my writing really took off.

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