Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Funny Book Titles

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Happy Tuesday! I couldn't pass up this week's Top Ten Tuesday because given the last year we have endured, we all need a good laugh. Though I haven't read most of these, they qualify--in  my mind--in the funny book titles category. So, I give you...

Top Ten Funny Book Titles

Leave it to Judge Judy to come up with a title as clever as she is.

I really don't want to think much about the Zen of farting, but I can tell you that I once convinced my son he farted the color out of his boxers. Does that give you any indication of what motherhood has been like around here?

Growing old isn't for sissies. When I turned 50 and had to have my first colonoscopy, I figured I had suffered enough indignity for a decade.

I am not sure if this title is funny or just disturbing. 

I love cats. We have four, so what does that say? When we brought home Giggles, she decided it would be fun to pee on me in the middle of the night in my bed. Thankfully, she finally figured out the litter box. I couldn't resist sharing this one. 

Do we see a theme starting? Maybe the tennis elbow is making me feel older. 

I don't even care what this book is really about. The title is just funny.

There are so many things in my life I wish I could pretend never happened.

I used to read a lot of Erma Bombeck. One of the funniest authors I've ever read, she gave women someone who understood the often lackluster life of being a wife and mother and approached it with wit and humor. 

I have never before wondered how to run with a naked werewolf, but now I am a bit curious.

What did you think of my list? Do we share any of the same titles?


  1. Golden Years My Ass sounds super funny!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-funny-book-titles/

  2. Love the last one - I just adore Molly Harper. I need to read more of her books; it's been awhile.


  3. Golden Years My Ass and I Could Pee On This both crack me up! :)

  4. Thanks for visiting, everyone.

    Lydia, I agree. I want to buy it just to see what it is like.

    Shooting Stars, I haven't read Moly Harper, but I want to now.

    Greg, when I saw I Could Pee on This I almost fell out of my chair.

    Hope you all had a nice week.


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