Monday, February 15, 2021

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday - Feb 15

Welcome to It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Mailbox Monday.


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Happy Monday! Did you have a nice weekend? We ate out at a new restaurant on Friday. It was okay, but doubt we will be back. I managed to get most of the house cleaned and some furniture moved around. Now, if I could only get into that bonus room and set it up the way I want to, I would be thrilled. 

We are awaiting the latest snow storm, which is supposed to start this afternoon and run through Tuesday evening. Three inches of the white stuff followed by a nice layer of ice. Then the possibility of more winter weather on Thursday. Doesn't that sound lovely? I can't imagine why I haven't moved south yet.

As far as reading goes, it has been slow. Two editing projects have taken up a fair amount of my time. 

My review of The Wormwood Mysteries: Secret of Lake Falls appeared last week at The Children's and Teens' Book Connection soon. 

I also reviewed The Clothesline Code at TC&TBC on February 3.

I am currently reading one of Jon Land's latest books. 

Next up are these for virtual book tours. 

Remember when I said I planned to reduce the number of virtual book tours I participate in? Well, this is not starting off well. I've requested more books for March than I usually do. 

This one needs to come next since I promised to review it.

Then I would like to read one of these:

Mailbox Monday is a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued. Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. It now has a permanent home at the Mailbox Monday blog.

My mailbox held one recent treasure. 

I will review A Playmate for Imani by Rebecca O. Hayes at my children's book blog this month.

I received digital copies of the following two books for review.

I also downloaded this one when it was free for my Kindle.

I must be in a picture book mood lately.

That's it for me. What have you been in the mood to read lately? Did you read any romance novels this month? If you could only buy books in one genre, what would that be?

Hope you have a great day.


  1. I used to LOVE Murder She Wrote!

  2. I am so glad you got most of the cleaning and moving around of furniture done. So sorry about the expected snowstorm, but I'd say use it as an excuse for reading. I will check out all of these children's books too, as I love kidlit.

  3. I loved the show Murder, She Wrote, so reading the books sounds good. I also want to read something by Margaret Truman.

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  4. We just got past our snowstorm (probably the only one we'll have this year). I'm not a fan of the white stuff, but the kids love it.

    I hope that you get your bonus room as you like it! I've lived in my house for 13 years and am still trying to get it the way I want it! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  5. I have fond memories of watching Murder She Wrote with my nana. We loved that show.

  6. The latest rounds of snowstorms are all staying south of us. I don't mind a bit even though we have bitter cold instead. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Well it certainly looks like your reading is well mapped out with lots of murders to be solved!!

  8. So happy to find so many fans of Murder, She Wrote stopping by today. It is still one of my favorite cozy mystery televisions series. I am up for a reboot, but Angela Lansbury has never been a fan of that.

    Laurel, I was glad to see Jon Land take over the series. Donald Bain had taken them over after Truman's death. I haven't read any of Bain's, but I should try at least one to compare them.

    Melinda, I hope your kids get at least one more chance for a little of the white stuff this year.

    Kathy, I couldn't believe the temperatures you cited on your blog today. That is way too cold.

    Kathryn, I am trying to keep my reading organized. Now, if I just had more reading time.

    Thanks for stopping by, everyone. Hope you have a great week.

  9. I hope the snowstorm isn't too bad. It sounds like many places are struggling.
    I talk about cleaning but don't get far.
    Your picture books look like fun.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  10. Our snowstorm on Tuesday was a bust, Martha. A bit of snow and some ice, but nowhere near as much as expected. We are expecting snow tomorrow into Friday, but hopefully it will be light.

    Thanks for visiting.


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