Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Resolutions/Hopes for 2021 (Bookish or Not!)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

As I mentioned last week, Top 5 Tuesday would help me with this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic. I shared the following Top 5 Bookish Resolutions last Tuesday:
  • Complete this year's Goodreads Reading Challenge (40 books)
  • Reduce the number of virtual book tours I participate in (fingers crossed)
  • Write two First Chapter Reviews a month (love these)
  • Purge my TBR pile (it's time)
  • Read more nonfiction this year (writing craft and business books here I come)
To these 5, I am going to add 5 Non-Bookish Resolutions. 

Increase my sales volume by 50% - This is the first year I feel it is attainable. Last year's sales increase was 24% over 2019. I am more committed to real estate than I have ever been; the housing market is strong; and my role in the local real estate industry is increasing. I've been making changes to how I do things and am looking at starting a team. That last item will take a ton of planning, so it might be a 2022 agenda item.

Increase my editing volume - In addition to editing two manuscripts for my publisher, I edited several manuscripts for other authors. I'm good at it. I am working on one now, too. Though the projects need to be on the smaller side considering my other commitments, I would enjoy working on one a month. My eventual goal is to start my own publishing company.

Exercise twice a week - I still hate exercising, but I really need to do it. If I start small, I might be able to increase from two to three days a week. 

Engage in better self-care - We moms take care of everyone and put ourselves last. I've got too much to do and to many dreams to follow not to take care of myself. 

Choose one writing project to finish - I am working on two. I'm sure both won't be finished this year. I'm thinking it's a middle grade novel that will get my attention. I want to decide by the end of January. 


  1. Good luck with your TBR purge!

    My post.

  2. Good luck with all your goals!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/01/12/top-ten-tuesday-298/

  3. Thanks, Lydia and iloveheartlandX. Off to visit your blogs now.

  4. I hope you are able to meet all your goals this year!

  5. These are great goals! Good luck with all of them!

    I hope your writing goes well. :)

  6. Trimming down my TBR pile is basically the ONLY goal I have this year. What is it about TBR piles that makes them so hard to weed?

  7. Thanks, Greg. I appreciate it.

    I agree, Christopher. They are so hard to tame. I have bunches of books, but then I see a new one I want and...

    Thanks for visiting this week.


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