Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Cozy Mysteries on My Kindle

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a Halloween Freebie. How exciting!!! So, I decided to feature one of my favorite genres for this week--the cozy mystery. This list is of cozy mysteries that I have not read, but attracted me because of the cover art or the book blurb.

Top Ten Cozy Mysteries on My Kindle

These two books are part of a cozy mystery series set in the fictional town of Calvin, Massachusetts. It features Cate MacLeod, a young woman who has lost her job in the city and returns home to find herself living next door to her control freak of a mother and stumbling upon dead bodies whose mysteries she ends up solving. 

This is the first Lighthouse Library Mystery by Eva Gates. I ordered it because it is set on the Outer Banks, my favorite place on earth.

These are the first two books featuring female sleuth Angela Marchmont. I love the covers and beautiful old buildings, so that attracted me to these. They are 1920s whodunits, which sounds like fun.

I believe this was a freebie that I picked up. This cover really caught my eye. The main character is a crime reporter turned antiques dealer who, in this first book of the series, stumbles upon a body and her boss asks her to cover the story. 

What better setting for a book lover than to have a mystery that happens in a library? This third book of the Dekker Cozy Mystery Series finds a man murdered in the locked library of his home. He has left them a clue, but no one can figure out what it means.

Poor Jane is just trying to make a living as housekeeper for wealthy clients. After Bible school, she intends to become a missionary. When she discovers her client's body, she suddenly finds herself ministering to the needs of the heirs and trying to stay out of the way of a murderer. 

This is another one of Traci Tyne Hilton's series, but this one features a Christian top-producing Realtor. That's what attracted me to the book, but this is a cool cover as well. This was released two years after the real estate market crashed in 2008. The 10th Anniversary Edition was released this September.

I like witty and strong female leads, and Lee Alvarez fits the bill. Her ex-husband shows up unannounced and then quickly disappears. Lee can't help but wonder if he is responsible for the recent death of her cousin. 

What do you think of my list? Hope you have a great week.


  1. I love that cover for by book or by crook!

  2. Death Runs in the Family sounds interesting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Cozy mysteries are so fun to read.

    My post.

  4. I've been enjoying cozy mysteries a lot lately, although there are still MANY series I haven't read. The bookish ones on your list look fun. I'll have to take a closer look at those.

    Happy TTT!


  5. These look so good. I may pick up a few.

  6. We needed some cozy mysteries with all the horror reads posted today!

  7. I love the title By Book or By Crook... it sounds interesting. I will have to add it to my TBR. I love a good, cozy mystery and am in need of some suggestions so this post was perfect for that! Great TTT.

    My TTT: https://herbookishdesires.wordpress.com/2020/10/27/top-ten-tuesday-halloween-freebie%f0%9f%8e%83/

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Catherine, that cover caught my eye, too.

    Astilbe, I've read the first chapter of it and enjoyed it. Hope you check it out.

    They are, Lydia. Glad you think so.

    Me, too, Susan. I've got whole series here at home I haven't cracked open.

    Let me know if read any from the list, R's Rue.

    Glad you liked my take on this week's freebie, Deanna.

    Bookish, I hope you enjoy By Book or By Crook if you read it.

    Thanks to everyone for coming by today.

  10. I ADORE the cat on the cover of By Book or By Crook!

  11. How exciting to see several cozies that I'm not familiar with! Cozy mysteries usually make up the bulk of my reading during this time of year. And I love that you included By Book or By Crook—such a fun one.


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