Monday, July 27, 2020

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - July 27

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

We are at Monday again. We visited with my mother-in-law Saturday for her 88th birthday. It's the first one without my father-in-law, so I'm glad we got to spend time with her. I am preparing for a few more closings this month, but I am also doing as much as I can to stay safe. Massachusetts just instituted new travel orders starting August 1 that force you to self-quarantine for 14 days if you travel anywhere other than what they have outlined as a low-risk state. So glad our vacation happened in July.

Here is what my reading world looks like right now.

My review on The Beautiful Snow by Cindy Wilson appeared here.

Finished this one. The review appears here on August 10, but I posted my review on Goodreads already if you can't wait. 

I am reading these two right now.

These two will be reviewed in August.

Then I am promising myself to read this book.

What have you read recently? Are there any books I should add to my wish list?


  1. Nice looking variety of books. I've read the first Tradd Street and keep promising myself to read more but haven't followed through yet. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Thanks, Kathy. I love the Tradd Street series. Hope you can catch up on it soon.

  3. So good you got to celebrate the 88th birthday. You are reminding me to move on in the Tradd book series.

  4. Your books all look good. I've been wanting to read the Tradd Street series for a long time. It really looks like a good series.

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. They all look good....ENJOY, and have a wonderful week!!

  6. Thanks, Kathyrn. Hope you get to the Tradd Street series soon.

    Yvonne, I bet you would love Tradd Street.

    Thanks for visiting, Elizabeth.

  7. I’m glad you were able to celebrate with your MIL
    We have mandatory 14 day quarantine requirements for interstate travel here between some states, in some cases the borders are actually closed so that you can’t travel without a permit. It’s a sensible restriction to reduce the risk of the virus spreading from hotspots.

    Wishing you a great reading week


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