Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: The Last Ten Books I Abandoned

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Why does a reader abandon a book? Here are a few reasons I can think of:
  1. She doesn't connect with the characters
  2. She dislikes a character or characters
  3. The plot doesn't engage her
  4. Her tastes have changed
  5. Her life has changed
Many of us have found their lives changed in one way or another as a result of the pandemic. After working solidly for the last six years, I discovered how much I really love being home and making my own schedule. The one thing I surprisingly struggled with is wanting to read. For a few weeks, I didn't pick up a book. I guess the chaos around me felt too distracting. 

Here is a list of the last ten books I abandoned for one reason or another. 

The Last Ten Books I Abandoned

The author asked me to review it when it came out. Sounds just like a book I would love to read, but by the time I got to picking it up, I had lost interest. I tried the first chapter a few times, but had to let it go.

I am not a huge fantasy lover. I enjoyed the first book of this series, but kept pushing this one aside. I finally gave it away. 

I added this one to my Goodreads list because I loved Griep's The Captured Bride. After reviewing the description a few times, I decided to pass on it. Pretty cover, though.

I have had this book on my Kindle for years. Now, it's just too close to what we are dealing with as a result of the pandemic. A virus came. People died. The world as the main character knew it is gone. Just can't even think about it right now.

I'm not sure why I downloaded this one. Maybe because my daughter is fascinated with Greek mythology.

I must have started this book three times before I finally gave up. The Rose in this book seemed too much to me like the one from The Ghost in the Little House. 

I haven't totally abandoned this one, but I have picked it up a few times and just not wanted to continue. I feel like reading more for enjoyment than lesson learning lately.

I am guessing this was a Kindle freebie. I'm not even sure why I thought I would ever be interested in reading it. Just not my cup of tea. 

I picked this up because one of my favorite authors co-wrote it. I've read a page or two, but it hasn't captured me yet. It's not a time period I read a lot of, so that might be part of the problem.

We talked a little about this one the other week. I requested it when it first came out, but never got around to reading it. Now, it doesn't interest me and I plan to give it away. 

What are some books you abandoned? Do you feel guilty about it if an author sent you the book to review? What do you do with books you don't read? 


  1. Good for you for knowing your limits!

    My TTT .

  2. I agree, really bad characters that aren't engaging are a big reason why I will put down a book.

  3. Thanks for visiting, everyone. Lydia, I simply had to set limits. I was getting so bogged down with reading and reviewing. I finally had to decide if I wanted to read books that didn't capture my attention for one reason or another.

    Alicia, that's a good reason. There was one book I read that I simply didn't like any character. None of them. Why did I suffer through that?

  4. I'm sorry you didn't like A Wilder Rose. I like her books--I much preferred her Eleanor Roosevelt novel to the big-hype White Houses. Everyone has their own mind and should exercise their own judgment on what they read though!

  5. Hopewell, I think it's because I have a had a bias going into it. I may try it again one day, but it won't be for a while. Thanks for visiting.

  6. ooh good list! A Heart Divided has been on my goodreads list of want to read for a while but I have yet to even pick it up... it is a great cover though! I went a different route with mine... I don't abandon books often but I love to see everyones top ten!

  7. I struggled with reading during the first few weeks of the quarantine, too. I just couldn't focus and didn't have the desire to read anything. It's good to know I'm not the only one who felt this way. It seemed like every book blogger and bookstagrammer was getting so much reading done!

    Here's my TTT list.

  8. Sorry these didn't work out for you. Hopefully your current read is doing better for you.


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