Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Shelf Control - Apr 29

Shelf Control is a weekly celebration of the unread books on our shelves sponsored by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. Pick a book you own but haven’t read, write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up!

Want to join in? Shelf Control posts go up every Wednesday. Here's how to jump on board:
  • Write a blog post about a book that you own that you haven’t read yet.
  • Add your link in the comments!
  • Link back to Bookshelf Fantasies in your own post.
  • Check out other posts, and…
It has been over a month since I participated in this meme. I don't know how long my reduced work schedule will last, but I am taking full advantage of it. 


Be careful what you wish for

Mele Keahi thought she was going for a vacation at her aunt’s – just what she needed after a breakup and a lifetime of heartbreak since her mother disappeared. What she wasn’t expecting was finding a new guy… or that dead body on the doorstep! Could her sweet aunt really be involved? Or was it someone else near and dear to her? And then there was the handsome ghost from her Hawaiian childhood. Not what she'd bargained for--but sometimes you just have to deal with what the cat dragged in. Will she figure that out before the murderer finds a way to silence her forever? 

Yummy recipes for Hawaiian style cooking in each book--Chicken Hekka in this one. 

DATE BOUGHT: 11/30/2015 (I must have been in a holiday mood)

WHY I BOUGHT IT: It looked cute and it was free. Need I say more? This has such an adorable cover. I also want to know how the cat plays into this series. This is the first book, so there are five more if I enjoy this one. 

Do you start with the first book in a series or are you okay with starting in the middle? Have you ever bought a book just because of its cover? 


  1. I like the sound of this meme! I hope that you will be able to read this soon!

  2. Thanks, Cindy. I enjoy participating in it when I have the time.

  3. This does sound really cute! (And you can't go wrong when it's free!). I love your blog background, by the way. So pretty!

  4. Exactly, Lisa. Cute and free is a good thing. Glad you like the background. I fiddle around with it a few times a year.

  5. This is not the kind of book that I read but a freebie is always welcome😀

    Hope you enjoy the read. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a link.

  6. That unknown in the above is me, Neeru @ a hot cup of pleasure.


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