Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Bookshelf

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Happy Tuesday! I hope you're getting a lot of reading done. I'm playing catch up. This might be the year for it.

I'm excited to show off the ten most recent books I've added to my collection. These are a combination of books for review, Christmas presents, and e-book bargains.

The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Bookshelf


  1. Josie caught my eye. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/01/ttt-012120_21.html

  2. The Outer Banks House looks like a great read. Enjoy.

    My TTT .

  3. Britfield looks interesting, and The Shop on Peculiar Hill looks like a cute read, too. Hope you enjoy these!

    Here's my TTT post.

  4. Interesting selections.

    Lisa of https://hopewellslibraryoflife.wordpress.com/2020/01/21/top-ten-tuesday-the-most-recent-additions-to-my-bookshelf/

  5. I enjoy Karen White's books, but I actually haven't read any of the Tradd books. I need to. I hope you enjoy them!

    Happy TTT!

  6. I'm not familiar with any of these, but I hope you enjoy!

  7. Those are all new to me ones! I hope you enjoy them all once you read them!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  8. I haven't heard of any of these tbh, but some of these have beautiful covers. I hope you get to read them and that they're great!

    Ash @ JennReneeRead

  9. Thanks for visiting, everyone. Made it out to all your blogs today.


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