Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Goals/Resolutions of 2020

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Happy Tuesday! I hope you're having a great week. I'm deep in the middle of two editing projects right now. Did I mention that I placed third in this year's Critters Annual Readers Poll? I couldn't believe it.

This week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday is supposed to be Top Ten Favorite Illustrated Covers. While I love this trend, it's not something I feel I can talk about unless I do a ton of Internet browsing. Instead, I'm sharing my Top Ten Bookish Goals/Resolutions for 2020.

  1. Read more books than 2019. I read 39 books last year. Shy of my 50 book goal, I set my goal at 40 this year. I didn't read as much on vacation as I usually do, which contributed to that issue. I will pack fewer books when we go away, but my Kindle will have more on it. Hopefully, that will help. Not working on vacation might help, too. :)
  2. Focus on my TBR Pile. I will be intentional about not requesting too many books for review this year. Right now, I have three scheduled through April. I am keeping my TBR pile front and center this year.
  3. Write one First Chapter Review every week. This might be an aggressive goal, but even if I can write one First Chapter Review every other week I will be happy. This will also help me whittle away that TBR Pile, because if I don't like the first few chapters I won't keep reading.
  4. Donate more books. When I cleaned my office, I donated books to the library. Now, they have space to allow for regular donations, so I plan to donate more often.
  5. Read one book in a genre not in my TBR Pile. I tend to stick to the same genres, but I would like to explore others from time to time. I just need to nudge myself every once in a while.
  6. Read two business books. I have several here that I would love to read. I just need to focus on this as part of my overall career plan.
  7. Read one writing craft book. I'm not sure why I struggle with this one. It was on my list in 2018, and I still don't think I've read one. 
  8. Discover three new to me authors. I have some books in my pile by authors I haven't met yet. I would love to dive in and check them out. The only thing that I find disappointing is that they might be one-hit wonders. Some authors whose books I have totally loved never wrote another one, which is so sad.
  9. Read one classic. Honestly, I am so horrible about this. I'm not sure why. 
  10. Listen to audiobooks. I really enjoy them. Our library's selection is just a bit lacking for what I want to read. I spend so much time in the car that this would help my overall goal to read more this year, too.
What are some goals you set for yourself this year? What obstacles stand in your way and how do you plan to tackle them?


  1. Good luck with your goals! They sound super reasonable.

    My TTT .

  2. Congrats on placing third! How exciting. :D Your goals for this year sound fabulous, and best of luck in achieving them. I've been trying to do the donate more books thing, too (especially since hubby is getting cranky that the books have sort of started overtaking the entire library/exercise room haha).

    Here's my TTT post.

  3. Thanks for visiting. Sammie, next time the hubby complains, ask him how many jars of nails and screws he has stored in the cellar. :)

  4. Wow, you have a lot of great goals. Good luck with them all!

    I've been getting into audiobooks this year. I've listened to several so far and I'm enjoying listening to them while I clean, run errands, etc.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  5. Great goals! I hope you achieve them all. :)

    My TTT http://abookwanderer.com/top-ten-tuesday-book-covers-that-are-eerily-similar/


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