Monday, August 12, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - Aug 12

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Hello from the Outer Banks. This is a picture I took from the beach this morning before 9 AM. This is the time to come--temperatures are more comfortable and no one is here. I really enjoyed the walk.

I finished this book yesterday. What a riot. My review will appear on August 19.

I'm starting this one today.

Next up are these ones.

That's it for me. What have you been reading?


  1. Nice looking assortment of books. You've Been Volunteered does look like a fun read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Ahhh… Wish I was a the beach! Have a great week and stop by if you get a chance:


  3. Ooh lovely picture. I love going to the beach early in the day before the crowds hit.

  4. The beach looks lovely - can you swim there? That's what I'd want to do when it gets hot. You've been volunteered looks fun, reminds me of a comedy TV show here in NZ - Mean Mums.

  5. Thanks for visiting last week, everyone. Just catching up now.

    You can swim at this beach, but I'm not much of a swimmer. We did go down Route 12 into Salvo and there was a little beach on the sound side where I felt okay going in the water because it was calm.

    Hope you had a great week.


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.