Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books with Sensory Reading Memories

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

What a neat topic this week. We are talking about books that are linked to very specific memories for you. Some ideas are: books you read while on vacation, books that you read while you were eating, books you read at work/at a family or social event/on the train or plane, or books you’ve buddy read with loved ones. If you think about it, this is pretty flexible.

I'll work on ones that make me think of home.

When I was growing up, my sisters and I enjoyed playing games on the front porch. This book also reminds me of what it's like to work together as a family.

I swear, this is how my house looks lately. Trying to move part of one house into an already overloaded one is not easy. There are piles everywhere. 

I can't tell  you how many nights I spent in front of the TV watching Downton Abbey on my DVR. I'm glad they are working on the movie.

Just like we did to our mother, the girls keep track of sayings I use all the time (usually to torment me with them later). They actually have a list of quotes they keep on their phones from our vacations.

This is a fun book for kids with a great lesson tucked inside. My son broke his leg in two places during a hockey game freshman year and I remember him looking pretty much like this when he returned to school. For the record, it's also agony getting up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday to get to a hockey game. 

I can't think of anything Christmas without thinking of home. It's my favorite holiday and I decorate like crazy...though the past few years that has been scaled back a bit. It's always been important to me to share with the kids the true meaning of Christmas as well.

We used to eagerly await the new release of one of these books each year..well, the girls did. I kept hoping Greg would grow up and stop acting so selfishly. These remind me of the many nights I spent reading to the kids when they were younger.

This was my first Karen White book. I fell in love with her writing very quickly. The novel is about a woman who, after the death of her grandparents, seeks to discover more about the grandmother she never knew. Because my father was much younger than his siblings, I lost both grandparents by the time I was 12. My maternal grandparents had died before I was born. Books about family histories, especially where there are such strong ties between past and present, make me think of those early days growing up and my curiosity over the lives my grandparents had lived. 

Nothing makes me long for home as much as the holiday season. When I am busy with work around the holidays, all I want to do is drive home and bake cookies or cook for my family. It's also a time I spend renewing and refreshing my relationship with the Lord as I prepare my heart for the coming of Jesus. There are still times when I think about our troops stationed far away and whenever I hear, "I'll Be Home for Christmas," my eyes start to fill with tears. Christmas and home just go together.

On the other side of the coin are those days I feel so exhausted with everything that needs to be done that I want to give it all up and go on strike. Let someone else cook for a change. How about someone else do the laundry or empty the cat litter. This book was so hilarious. Any overworked mom will totally love this story.

What are some books with sensory reading memories for you? 

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