Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’d Like to Finish Someday

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Top Ten Series I’d Like to Finish Someday

Many, many moons ago, I was reading over 100 books a year. Then I went back to work. I lost touch with some of my favorite authors and series simply because I couldn't catch up. Some of their books are sitting in boxes in my office. Others are simply items on my Amazon Wish List or Goodreads Want to Read List. 

Karen White's Tradd Street series captured me right away. I've read the first two books. The third book--and I think the fourth--are here. The fifth book came out last year. Need to catch up.

Spirit Shapes is the last Deputy Tempe Crabtree book I've read. Marilyn Meredith has released two more since then that I would like to read. I would also like to go back and read the books before Judgment Fire, which is where I came into the series.

The Rocky Bluff P.D. series has one of my favorite characters--Gordon Butler. The last book I read was in 2014, Murder in the Worst Degree. At least one other has come out that I know of, so I need to grab that.

I read the first book in Kathi Macias' Quilt series, The Moses Quilt. I never picked up the next two, but I would like to do that. She also used to release one book each Christmas. I should buy those too.

Thanks to the Hallmark Channel, I got into Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series. I've read the first three books and A Cedar Cove Christmas. It's doubtful I could ever catch up, but I would like to plod along anyway.

The thought of continuing on with The Lunar Chronicles is tough for me. The girls and I read the first book, Cinder, together. We picked up Scarlet right after we finished the first book and started reading it. Then, suddenly, the girls decided they didn't want to read with mom anymore. I'm still sad over it. Silly, but I can't help it. I might return to this series one day.

Even though I thought I had finished the Harry Potter series, as soon as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was released, that series became unfinished. I bought this final book for the Lil' Diva, but I know I have to steal it one day and polish it off.

Vannetta Chapman, one of my favorite authors, released 3.5 books (I never question these things) in her Plain and Simple Miracles series. I've read the first two, but the last 1.5 remain unread. Sarah's Orphans is in  my TBR pile. I don't own Brian's Choice yet. 

How can you finish what you never started? When I promoted Diana Gabladon's 20th anniversary release of Outlander, I felt part of something special. Every reviewer encouraged me to read the books. I still haven't gotten to them, but I hope I do before too long.

The Lil' Princess has been encouraging me to read The Selection series by Kiera Cass forever. I keep telling her, "When I finish all my other books." I might have to sneak this first book in to try it out...if for no other reason than to tell her I am listening. 

What are some series you would like to finish?


  1. I've not read any of these series (other than Harry Potter LOL) but the Rocky Bluff PD sounds like my kind of series.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  2. I really liked The Selection series. It's a quick read!

    I also love the Outlander series. I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  3. I want to read The Selection. Have the first 2 books who wait for me on the shelf.



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