Friday, January 26, 2018

The Friday 56 - January 26

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.


  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
  • (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
  • Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
  • Post it.
This is from around 156 in this novel by one of my favorite Christian authors, Kathi Macias.

I'm not very hungry, but I don't want to hurt Pete's feelings. He went to all the trouble of ordering Chinese food--even my favorite sweet-and-sour chicken--so the least I can do is sit down here and have some with him. I don't know why we can't eat at the kitchen table, though. I really don't like listening to the news while we eat. It's never good news, and it gives me a headache. 

You can visit this week's Friday 56 at Freda's blog and discover more books to check out. 


  1. To the Moon & Back looks kind of interesting. Enjoy your current read!

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    She sounds a bit of a moaner lol But it does make me wonder -- why?

    Great tease!

    Here is mine this week:

    Happy reading! Have a great weekend. ;)

  3. I agree with the narrator - I don't like listening to the news while I eat either. I like the title and I hope you're enjoying it!

  4. Oh, yes, like the narrator, I find the news too disturbing to watch while eating. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  5. Listening to the news while eating is definitely bad for the digestion.

  6. She sounds unhappy. I wonder what is happening. This week I have Final Siege by Scarlett Cole. Happy reading!

  7. Sounds like a good read, and frankly, something people can probably relate to. Happy weekend!

  8. Makes me wonder what is going on here that she is so unhappy. I mean who doesn't love chicken balls? Have a great weekend and happy reading

    Jo-Ann at Inspiration Pie

  9. I don't like watching the news either. I think we only do when my mom is visiting, now that I think about it. I get my news in other ways. This sounds like it will be good. I hope you enjoy it!


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