Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Book Challenges Fail

Yes, this is me crying because I did not come anywhere close to meeting my book challenges this year. I read a whopping.....

21 books in 2016

And seven of them were children's books. I read one book, yes one, from 2016 Reading Challenge List--which I am going to promptly rename my 2017 Reading Challenge List. LOL! 

Sometimes life tosses you lemons and you just have to make lemonade. This was one of those years. I worked through most of my vacation and didn't get to read or review as much as I would like. Doo-doo happens. 

My favorite challenge.... taking a break in 2017. Freda has been dedicated to it and the girl deserves some time off. I've been invited to some other reading challenges so I'll check them out and let you know what the plan for 2017 is soon. More reading is part of that plan. 

Hope you had a great 2016. Let me know how you did with your reading goals. 

1 comment:

  1. Those moments when life gets in the way. :-)

    I'll still be around, but I am in for a reading break I think.

    Wishing you all the best in 2017!


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