Friday, July 8, 2016

Blogging and the TBR Pile

Who knew blogging would provide so many of us with more reading material than we could possibly read. I remember my early days of blogging in 2007 when I had to review books I had bought simply to draw attention to my blog.

Now? I haven't been able to open The Book Connection up to reviews in years and I am still behind. Yet, the requests keep coming. 

Perhaps that is because longevity in blogging isn't always the norm. When I was working in online book promotion, I can't tell you how many bloggers just dropped off the face of the planet with no explanation leaving promised book reviews unwritten. But we must understand that most bloggers are getting paid only in free books and that life sometimes gets in the way. 

Right now, I owe two for virtual book tours that have already ended: Portrait of a Conspiracy by Donna Russo Morin and A Loaded Gun by Jerome Charyn. I'm reading both now while on vacation and hope to have these reviews posted by the end of next week.

I wonder what your TBR pile looks like right now because mine is ridiculous. Not even counting all the free Kindle books I'vev downloaded it must be in the hundreds. 

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Reading is supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing. When it starts becoming regulated, does it become less of both or either? 

How many books do you think are in your TBR pile?

Have you made changes in how many books you accept to keep your TBR pile at a manageable level?

Have you ever or do you now participate in virtual book tours? How has that influenced your blogging choices?

Has a large TBR pile ever forced you to stop taking new review requests or to temporarily stop blogging? 

Have you ever participated in a reading challenge to help you whittle down your TBR pile? Has it helped?


  1. I have about 200 in my TBR - not counting hundreds more on Kindle. (Darn all those great promotions!) Reading online has cut into my book reading, and I'm not sure whether that's good or bad. Regarding blogging, it's hard for me to write blog posts in my writing time; I feel I should be working on the WIPs. Not always easy to find the perfect balance.

  2. My Kindle freebies are close to 500 by now. I feel sooooo guilty that I haven't reviewed the majority of them.

    I wish I didn't like blogging so much because I allow it to cut into my writing time.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


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