Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Interview with Lori Soard, Author of Cupid's Quest

Lori Soard has a PhD in Journalism and Creative Writing, but she's hardly the stuffy professor type. She loves nothing better than a good romantic comedy and thinks the good guy should always win and the ending should always be happy.

From an early age, Lori started honing her story telling skills. As a kid she was rarely seen without a book in her hand, even walking and reading at the same time. Her first stories were about the world around her. At twenty she wrote her first novel, which she admits was horrible. At twenty-one, she sold her first article to a local newspaper. Once she got that taste of having others read her work and realizing that she could reach others and touch their hearts, there was no turning back for this natural born writer.

"If I can make someone's day just a tiny bit better," Lori says, "if I can make them smile even though they are sad, make them think things could be better, make them understand how much God loves them, then I have accomplished something. I write my stories, articles and books with that one person in mind who really needs the message. If I can change one person's perspective, then I've succeeded."

Lori is a life-long Hoosier and lives in southern Indiana with her two daughters, husband and beloved pets. "During the extreme low points in life, it has been my animals that have seen me through. There is nothing like the deep devotion of a dog or the unconditional love of a cat." Lori adores animals and while some of her dear friends have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge she will always stand by her belief that animals make the world a better place.

For More Information

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in Indianapolis. One of my fondest memories is of going to Ellenberger Park. There was a metal pumpkin coach, just like from the story of Cinderella. The kids would all play on it. I’m sure it was actually kind of a dangerous piece of playground equipment and they have since removed it, but what fabulous memories all of us kids who played there have. It was also one of the best parks around for sledding when it would snow. And, they had an ice skating rink on the property. You could rent skates and go skating for a couple of bucks.

When did you begin writing?

The second I learned how to string letters into words and words into sentences, I started reading and writing nearly every second of every day. I still have my journals from first and second grade. They are pretty cute and simple, but I always felt the need to get things down on paper and to come up with stories.

Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?

I mainly write during the evenings. I am a night owl and always have been. I start to really wake up and get creative around 9 p.m. That is often when ideas strike and when I can pound out the most work and the best work. If I am forced, I can work at other times, but my preferred writing time would be 9 p.m. until about 3 or 4 a.m.

What is this book about?

Cupid’s Quest is centered around a scavenger hunt. Gracie is trying to save the nursing home she runs and loves. Brandt is granting his ill mother a wish. They keep bumping into each other. They knew each other from high school, but he’s a few years older than her and has no idea she’s always had a huge crush on him. Along the way, the seniors from Gracie’s nursing home get into quite a bit of mischief.

What inspired you to write it?

This book is actually part of a series called Cupid’s Crossing. I thought of the town before the book. I had started another story and set it in the fictional town, but the story wasn’t working and really did not fit the town as it was a darker story. So, I threw out the story but kept the town.

I made a map of the town and named some of the streets and buildings. The characters in the town started to come to life and eventually Days Never New, the nursing home, was born and the characters came to me from that.

Do you have an agent or are you looking for one?

No and no. I had an agent years ago but unfortunately I found that she simply took a percentage for a book I’d sold and didn’t do much else to build my career. I haven’t really looked for another and am not sure I’d want one. It would have to be an agency so amazingly fantastic that I had zero doubts.

Was the road to publication smooth sailing or a bumpy ride?

I would call it more of a roller coaster. There is the climb toward publication when you’re trying to get someone to believe in you enough to publish your book. Then, there is the height of the hill where you get the call, such as when I sold my first book to Thorndike Five Star. You are looking out over everything and you are so excited. The rest is all downhill where you are zooming through the phases and getting word out about your book and then it’s suddenly all over and you have to start again with the next book.

Fortunately, I love roller coasters.

If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?

Not a thing. Even though I made mistakes along the way, my mistakes make me who I am today. Every mistake, every tough moment, every challenge has grown me as a person and made me stronger. I’ve learned to lean on God more and learned that my prayers aren’t always going to be answered when I want or in the way I want, but that I have to trust that He knows what is best for me.

I would not write a couple of the early books I wrote in the way I wrote them, because I don’t think they are a good representation of who I am today. Fortunately, I’ve been able to rework and start rereleasing some of those older titles.

Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?

My book is available for Kindle and in paperback on Amazon and B&N. Later this year, it will be available in additional electronic formats and we’re talking about releasing an audio version if there is enough interest.

Do you have a website and/or blog where readers can find out more?

Yes, my website is I blog on there and you can click the link that says fiction to read more about my novels. I’m also on the major social media sites and keep readers posted there.

Do you have a video trailer to promote your book? If yes, where can readers find it?

Yes, my daughter made it for me. I’m so proud of her. She graduates in May with a double degree in Journalism and PR. She’s very talented. You can view it on YouTube:

What is up next for you?

I’m working on Change of Heart. It is the second in the Cupid’s Crossing series. It is Sinclaire’s story. It isn’t quite as lighthearted as the first book, but still has funny moments. And, you’ll get to catch up with Gracie and Brandt as they plan their wedding and everything possible goes wrong.

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