Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Book Related Problems I Have

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Ten Book Related Problems I Have

  1. Trying to read more than one book at a time. This never goes well. It is easier for me to pull off if I am reading a non-fiction and fiction title at the same time, but I still don't feel like I give either book any justice.
  2. Managing my TBR pile. A long, long time ago, I had whittled my review pile down to a dozen books. Those days are forever gone. I could sit here and read one book a day and have enough material to keep me busy for over three years.
  3. Keeping my bookmarks in good condition. Everyone else in my family uses stray pieces of paper, but I want a bookmark to hold my place. I certainly get enough free ones included in books I receive for review. Problem is I read in the tub. Those paper bookmarks are always getting wet. 
  4. Protecting my Kindle from the bath water. I love reading on my Kindle and Kindle Fire, but lately I am very tired. I have almost dropped my Kindle or Kindle Fire in the tub at least half a dozen times over the past month. That would be so not good.
  5. Deciding what books to donate. I can't help it, I love books. Part of the reason for buying a Kindle was because when I kept books they wouldn't take up space. At least once a year, I go through the books in my office and donate them. I just find it really hard to decide which ones to part with.
  6. Making space for unread books. If you could see my office floor, you would wonder how I accomplish anything in here. I don't have room for another bookcase, so on the floor they go.
  7. Balancing kid books and adult books. I have numerous blogs, including one just for kids and teens. Books for younger audiences read faster, but I don't accept as many review requests for that blog, so I don't tend to have as many of them outstanding. Most of them come unsolicited from publishers. On the flip side, I want to read more books for younger kids because I write picture books, chapter books, and middle grade novels. Can someone stop the world for a year so I can catch up on my reading?
  8. Keeping up with books in a series. After reading Love You More by Lisa Gardner, I bought the previous books in her Detective D.D. Warren Series. I haven't had time to read them and three new books have been released since then. Same problem with my Deputy Tempe Crabtree books by Marilyn Meredith. I am keeping up with new releases, but though I own the previous books in the series that came before Judgment Fire, I haven't gotten a chance to read them.
  9. Sharing my books. I don't think this will ever change. I lent out a book from one of my favorite authors (an autographed one no less) to a friend and it never came back. I don't lend my books out anymore, even if it makes my friends angry.
  10. Coming into a series in the middle. This makes me so cranky. When I find out that I unknowingly started a series in the middle, I want to scream. I like that Amazon puts the title of the series (and sometimes the book number) in their listings now, so I can check out series book before buying.

What book related problems do you have?


  1. Great list! I would not want to lend out books anymore if that happened to me as well! I also have a problem with donating books, it's just so hard to part with them.

  2. I have a huge problem with bookmarks. XD My dog eats them! I lose them! They just get folded and ruined! GAH. It drives me bonkers. I've never read in the bath, but I can imagine dropping the kindle would be a bad idea, lol. And keeping up with all the books?! I absolutely despair of getting to them all.
    Here's my TTT!

  3. I used to read more than one book at a time but now it just doesn't work anymore. If have to, I'd read a full-length book and a novella/manga/graphic novel at the same time.

    my TTT

  4. Great list! I tend to read more than one book at a time and then I forget about what's going on in all of them because it's too much to keep up with! I'm definitely going to have to stop loaning books out. Great list! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. I feel the same way about reading more than one book at a time... I just can't do it!!

  6. Great list! I can relate to all of them, especially managing my TBR pile. For every book I read, I think I add five more to the list. That makes it so hard!

  7. I have trouble reading multiple books at a time as well, I have no clue how other readers can do it! I've never read in the bath before because of my fear of dropping a book in haha. Keeping up with a series, YES I understand this dilemma. If it's three or four books, that's okay for me, but when a series I start and enjoy has 30+ novels I feel like it's an impossible task sigh. Great list! And thank you for stopping by my blog last week :)


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