Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List (in no particular order)


Finish the oldest ten books in my TBR pile. I've had some books kicking around here for more than two years. I know if they are here I was interested enough to request them or buy them, so I would like to find a way to read them. I also enjoy donating books to our local library's book sale and to other organizations who can use them, so reading more would help make that happen.


Get to know more local authors. I have clients all over the country, but I haven't done the best job of supporting and networking with local authors. I'm working on changing that.


Read more craft books. I'm not big on reading books on the craft of writing. I own several, but they are usually low on my priority list--mostly because I owe so many people reviews, but also because my own writing takes a back seat to other things sometimes.


Learn how to create my own blog designs. This a pie in the sky type of wish right now. I simply don't have time. I won't even get into the whole hubby would think it's a waste of time argument. 


Find better storage solutions for my book collections. I have so many lovely books here. I wish I had a better and more attractive way to display them than stuffing them into regular bookshelves two deep. 


Convert our formal living room into a reading room. I've always wanted to do this, despite the fact that this room isn't the best choice because of the lack of natural light. We would need to lighten the wall color and change the window treatments in order to make it useful. I would love to add built-in bookshelves along one wall and then order some comfy chairs and matching ottomans. 


Start a book podcast. I would love to talk about books with others. Not sure if I would make a good host. Time is also a consideration. It's just something I've considered more than once and think would be wonderful.


Attend a book signing for a favorite author. I can't believe I've never done this. 


Attend BEA in New York City. This sounds like an amazing event. Even if I only attended once, it would be worth it.


Attend a SCBWI conference. Our local one takes place only 15 minutes away each spring. If I could get the money together, I would go in a heartbeat.

What's on your bookish bucket list? 


  1. I would LOVE to go to BEA or something like it. All those bookish people and authors and publicists and whatnot.. incredible.

    I too want to go to more author signings. I've been lucky enough to go to a few but... greedy and want to go to more!

    My bucket list

  2. BEA is a dream for me as well! One I forgot to mention in my list! Would love a library/reading room too!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Thanks for visiting today. I think BEA is a dream for a lot of us book lovers. My only challenge would be in not going broke while I'm there. LOL!

  4. I looove the sound of making a reading room!! That sounds so lovely. And I'm so DYYYING to go to BEA!!

    My TTT

  5. You have plenty of good items on your list, especially starting to read some of the older books on TBR list! I have a slight problem with that as well. Thanks for stopping by at my blog earlier! :)

  6. I do need to clean up my TBR too! I want to go to BEA also!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. Your list is fab! It really sounds like a reading room will be in the works soon for you ;) Good luck on all of them! Reading older books on the TBR list is a very good one. Time to spring clean!

  8. Awesome list! I want to go to BEA so bad too, and I always thought a book podcast would be great! Time is always an issue though, well that and I hate my accent, lol.

    Anyway, again great list! Here's mine
    -Manderz @ Escaping Reality Within Pages

  9. Good luck making your own blog designs! That's a really awesome idea. I love how this is a Top Ten Tuesday. You may want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List at http://www.thebookwheelblog.com/50-bookishthings/, too!


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