Horror and dark comedy author Joel Andre has come out with a seasonal short story that is sure to give you a few giggles.
Reporters gather in a small conference room awaiting a major announcement from the North Pole. Sick and tired of doing all the work while the fat man in the red suit gets all the credit, the elves decide to take a stand.
This is the first piece of fiction I've read by Joel Andre, but it won't be my last. Occupy the North Pole gets its premise from the Occupy movements that have been sweeping across the nation. This is a clever, darkly funny and slightly warped short story with a neat twist at the end.
If you're looking for an unusual seasonal offering, this is definitely it.
Title: Occupy The North Pole
Author: Joel Andre
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
ASIN: B006IDVG1A Current price: 99 cents
this fits the bill perfectly for a very witty friend..thank you!