Friday, December 9, 2011

Interview with Sarah Tate, Author of Web of Lies

Sarah Tate is a single mother living and working in Switzerland. She arrived in Switzerland ten years ago and apart from a brief stay in France, has remained ever since, as Switzerland has become her adopted homeland.

Sarah has three young kids, who take up most of her time, but she still managed to find time to write her first book ‘Web of Lies – My life with a Narcissist’. The book is an auto-biographical novel which describes in graphic details, the ups and downs of life with a person who suffers from (amongst other things) Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Web of Lies takes the reader on an emotional journey and gives a deep insight into what it’s like to be sucked into the world of a disordered individual, and more importantly, how to escape with your sanity intact.

Her second book, Renaissance – A Journal of Discovery, is the sequel to Web of Lies. It describes the road to recovery from narcissistic abuse, and charts the progress of Sarah and her children as they rebuild their lives following the breakup of the family, and slowly come to terms with the financial and emotional devastation caused by Sarah’s ex.

Sarah has discovered a passion for writing, and is about to embark upon her first novel, a psychological thriller.

You can visit Sarah’s website at and her blog at Connect with Sarah at Twitter at or Facebook at

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
My Author name is Sarah Tate. I’m a British national who has been living in Switzerland for eleven years now. Before that I lived in Berlin, Germany. I’m a single mum to three amazing kids, I’m also a professional in the Aerospace industry, and last (but not least) I’m the Author of two books.
Where did you grow up?

In the North of England.
What is your fondest childhood memory?

Visiting the seaside town where my Grandparents lived.
When did you begin writing?

I’ve always written, from being a child. I’ve written lots of poetry and several short stories.
Do you write during the day, at night or whenever you can sneak a few moments?

Always in the evening, when the kids are in bed and it’s quiet!

What is this book about?

It’s a true life account of my life with a man who had a very dark personality. It describes the highs and lows of life with somebody with a personality disorder, and most importantly, how to make the break.
What inspired you to write it?

I wanted to show how ordinary people can end up in extra-ordinary situations through no fault of their own. I wanted to reach out to other men and women who have found themselves with a manipulative partner and wondered how on earth they could escape. I wanted to show people it’s possible to get away and move on with life.
Who is your biggest supporter?

My kids !
Are you a member of a critique group? If no, who provides feedback on your work?

No, I get a lot of feedback from my readers, and many have written very positive reviews for me. I’ve also had a few professional reviews done. All the feedback has been positive and useful to me.

Was the road to publication smooth sailing or a bumpy ride?

It was quite a drawn out learning experience. In the beginning I had an ‘Agent’ but the deal I was offered was appalling. At this point I decided it might be better to do things on my own. I had lots of help from knowledgeable people, and for that I will always be grateful.
If you knew then, what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?

I would not have gone with an unknown Agent who only had his own interests at heart.

Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?

Almost all online outlets. Amazon, B&N, Lulu, Smashwords, Book Depository etc etc.

Do you have a video trailer to promote your book? If yes, where can readers find it?

The trailer is on the website and also on my blog, and Youtube.

What is the best investment you have made in promoting your book?

I’m not sure yet. Investing in professional reviews is certainly a good idea, and I have high hopes for my first VBT with Pump Up Your Book.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors everywhere?

Believe in yourself and your book.

What is up next for you?
My third book will be a psychological thriller. I had planned to write it this year, but other personal things got in the way. I’m determined to get it out in 2012.

Giveaways, Contests & Prizes!

In celebration of Sarah Tate’s new release, he will be appearing at Pump Up Your Book’s 1st Annual Holiday Extravaganza Facebook Party on December 16. More than 50 books, gifts and cash awards will be given away including an an e-copy of her book, Web of Lies! Visit the official party page here!


  1. Thanks for the great interview, Sarah. Wishing you the best.


  2. Thank you for hosting her today, Cheryl! ;o)

  3. Your book looks fascinating, Sarah. Thanks for sharing its background here. I'm glad life has improved for you, and that you had the "last laugh", writing about your experiences.


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