Thursday, June 23, 2011

What's in Your TBR Pile?

I was just entering new books into my TBR spreadsheet. I currently have 127 titles between printed and electronic copies. Is it any wonder I've stopped taking on new books for review? Now, not all of these books are promised for reviews, but probably about half are.

Some of the ones in my pile I'm really excited about are:

The Brotherhood by Jerry Jenkins

Born Under a Lucky Moon by Dana Precious

Zero Day by Mark Russinovich

Voices from the Land by Jan Marquart

Murder is a Family Business by Heather Haven

A Friendly Life by S. Prestley Blake with Alan Farnham (this is the co-founder of Friendly Ice Cream Corp, whose headquarters is about 5 minutes from my house)

ARC of In the St. Nick of Time by K.M. Daughters - final book in their Sullivan Boys series

Mayan Intrigue and Anasazi Intrigue by Linda Weaver Clarke

What books from your TBR pile are you excited about?


  1. I have 108 books in my TBR pile so far. But I'm going to a writer's conference and KNOW I will come home with a TON of books to add. LOL

  2. The idea of using a spreadsheet to keep track of the books on your TBR book list sounds interesting.

    Here are just a few of the books from my TBR book piles:
    - Warped by Maurissa Guibord
    - Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard
    - Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
    - Anastasia's Secret by Susanne Dunlap
    - Epic by John Eldredge


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