Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Author Spotlight: Murder is a Family Business by Heather Haven

Murder is a Family Business, the first in a series, is being epublished by MuseItUp Publishing in January, 2011. Set in the present, the reader meets a family of detectives living in the Bay Area, The Alvarez Family. The series centers around the quirky thirty-four-year old daughter, Lee Alvarez, a combination of Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone and Janet Evanovitch’s Stephanie Plum. Completing the family is her Never-Had-A-Bad-Hair-Day aristocratic mother, Lila; computer genius brother, Richard; beloved uncle “Tio;” and her energetic orange and white cat, Tugger.

When this group is not solving murders, they run Discretionary Inquiries, a successful Silicon Valley agency that normally deals with the theft of computer software.

Heather Haven likes to say she was born on a trunk in Ringling Brothers Circus, as her father was an elephant trainer and her mother was an aerialist. She has been in one form or another of show business most of her life but has always included writing in the mix. In her career, she has written short stories, novels, comedy acts, plays, television treatments, ad copy, commercials, and even ghost-wrote a book. One of her very first jobs as a writer was a love story for a book published by Bantam called Moments of Love. She had a deadline of one week and promptly came down with the flu. She wrote "The Sands of Time" with a temperature of 102 and delivered some pretty hot stuff because of it. Since that time, she’s had several short stories published and two one-act plays, The Closet Corpse and Baltimore, farcical comedies both, performed repeatedly in Manhattan and San Jose.

You can visit Heather online at www.heatherhavenstories.com
. You'll find an excerpt from Murder is a Family Business here.



  1. Fantastic Heather. I absolutely love what I have read so far about your upcoming novel, and of course I adore the cover with the kitty. Since I am one of your Muse sisters, I got to see your cover and learn about your new book early on. What those who read your blurb may not know id that you are one of the finest writers out there and they won't go wrong in buying your book. YEAH HEATHER!

  2. As the publisher of course I have an inside peek at the book, and what I read I loved and naturally that's why Heather got the contract. All of the editors agreed while assessing this was a fun read, interesting family set up, and tons of intrigue.

    Kudos and here's wishing you tons of success.

  3. Heather, it's nice to meet you! I'm always interested in how other folks "treat" their characters, and how rich the characters are. It sounds like you've got a whole crop of great characters. Best of luck to you.

  4. Just hearing it's like Janet Evanovich books makes me want to read it. This is definitley on my to read list :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by everyone. I can't wait until this one is released.


  6. Awesome Heather! The book blurb has definitely peaked my interest - it's already on my must read list.
    'Happy Dance' all around for my sister Muser.


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