Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Journey to Publication - Part 2

So, where did we leave off on our little journey? Oh, yeah, I talked about my drama filled moment when I decided to embark upon a writing career. I was real bold, telling my journal instead of people. But, I digress...

The next thing I did was spend money. I am female, after all. Okay, well, not really too female because I actually hate shopping; but Amazon has made it so easy to shop without having to deal with driving and crowds, that I can handle shopping from time to time--though the UPS man must hate me by Christmas. I swear I should at least include him on my Christmas card list.

Anyway, I ordered some books on the craft--many of which I haven't read yet. Gasp! Well, there really is a reason for that. I ended up enrolling in Long Ridge Writing Group's Breaking into Print program.

I can't say my husband was too supportive of me spending hundreds of dollars on an unknown commodity; but he supported my desire to become published and stay home with our children, which by this time numbered three. While the school couldn't guarantee I would be published by the the time I graduated from the program, the number of students who were published by their graduation date led me to believe this was a good choice.

It was!

My instructor, Karen O'Connor, provided invaluable insight into my writing and the market. She also provided Tip Sheets that I still refer to from time to time. The course included a workbook and two writing craft books (I actually read those). While the Breaking into Print program allows you to focus on articles or short stories, I decided to focus on articles. Nonfiction had been my preferred genre for years, and I figured that's where I would be spending most of my time.

I sent out submissions while I worked through the program. After several months of rejections, the quickest of which came from Good Housekeeping only a week after I submitted it (ouch!), a friend I met through Long Ridge asked me to write a series of six articles on time management and organization geared toward writers.

My first article appeared at Destiny3Fiction, an online magazine, in November 2005. A month later I graduated from Long Ridge.

I was on my way!

Read Part 1 here!


  1. Cheryl,
    Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading about your journey to publication. Sometimes husbands can be difficult. Mine complain about me spending too much time on the computer. Great sharing!

  2. Very cool!! This is a great series so far. It's nice to get more of your personal story. Very inspiring.

  3. Cheryl,
    Loved this article and it gives us a lot more insight into you and your writing career. I had to laugh at your comment about giving the UPS guy a Christmas card. I know mine must be so sick of stopping here with all the books I get. Anyway, I'm sure you're well on your way to a wonderful career. If the new book your writing is any indication, I know it will be a big hit! Lots of luck, my friend! :-)

  4. My husband thought I was nuts when I announced I was writing short stories in preparation to writing a novel. Eventually he came around and when I got my first contract, he asked for my autograph and framed it. Thanks for sharing your journey and continued best wishes.

  5. Hi Cheryl:

    Thanks for sharing portions of your publishing successes. A supportive family definitely helps. Keep going you are doing terrific. You go girl!

    Warm regards,

  6. Thanks for stopping by ladies. I'm glad you're enjoying my ramblings a bit.


  7. I didn't have time to read and comment on your post before because I was at a writer's conference, where I saw my friend - Karen O'Connor! I've taken workshops from her before and she's a great help to new writers.


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.