Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Inspirational Reading Giveaway!!!

Are you ready for the big SUMMER READING GIVEAWAYS?

I have to admit this is tough for me because any time I enjoy a book I want to own it and hold onto it forever; but I literally have no room left on my shelves...even after making a few donations to the local library. They are almost at the point of asking me not to give them more books because they don't have the space to store them either.

But this means good news for all the readers here at The Book Connection. I certainly hope if this is your first time dropping in at The Book Connection that you'll become a follower, add us to your blogroll and let people know about us because we feature a lot of great books here.

Enough of my rambling, let's get started. This inspirational book pack includes four books: Choices, My Secrets, The Secret of Yahweh, Sermonsnacks ~ Help...Hope...and Encouragement for today...and You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think. Since these books reach different age groups, this would make an excellent addition to a Christian family's library.

Here is more information on these books:

Choices, My Secrets by Thomas Wade Bounds - This planned series for teens gives parents a way to jumpstart conversations about the important choices facing our young people today. In the first book, My Secrets, released by Xulon Press, young Rachel gets pregnant after one night of passion shared with her boyfriend Gary. She doesn't find out until after Gary leaves for college and he never returns any of her messages. Left alone to decide what she will do, Rachel believes abortion is the only way. As a frightened Rachel waits for the doctor to come in and perform the procedure, she passes out and has dreams of her unborn child, which make her realize she might have another choice.

The Secret of Yahweh by LeFerna Arnold-Welch - It's the start of a new school year and best friends Mary and Petey are hoping to avoid mean kids like The Con and Bitsy. But to their horror, The Con, Bitsy and some of the other mean kids are in Miss Sawyer's class too.

When the children are told that the words "under God" are being removed from the daily reciting of The Pledge of Allegiance, everyone is confused. Why can't they say it the way they always have? And so Miss Sawyer's class embarks upon a journey to discover how the modern interpretation of the First Amendment has removed any practice of religion from their school.

The day Mary brings J.C. Lamb with her to school turns into utter chaos as the children realize not everyone is able to see or hear the fuzzy lamb with the heart embroidered on his chest. But Miss Sawyer can see him, and she assures everyone if they come to Mystery Sunday at her church, everything will be made crystal clear. (Ages 7 - 12)

Sermonsnacks by Don Collette (autographed copy) - This powerful devotional will inspire you along life's journey and make the ordinary seem extraordinary. Donald Collette chose the best Scriptures and perfectly matched them with thought-provoking comments to put together a devotional that is powerful, yet easy to read.

You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think by Ray Comfort - This is a compilation of questions and answers from Comfort's Atheist Central blog, along with additional comments from the author. The book also includes quotes from Professor Stephen Hawking, author C. S. Lewis, Sir Issac Newton, and several Biblical quotations.

Tackling such issues as: Creation Must Have a Creator, The Promise of Heaven and Eternal Life and What Sets Christianity and Christians Apart, the author uses Biblical evidence and the lack of reliable evidence proving the theory of evolution, to engage the reader in a thought-provoking journey that leads to only one conclusion--God exists and He wants to have a relationship with you.


1) Comment here with your working email address so that we can contact you if you win.

2) Get an additional entry for blogging about this contest. Leave a comment here telling us where you blogged about it.

3) Tweet about this contest. Don't forget to let us know here that you tweeted!

This inspirational four-pack giveaway runs from today until August 31st. A winner will be announced at this blog in early September.

This contest is open to all residents of the United States and Canada.

Good luck!!!


  1. Wow, what a giveaway, please count me in, many thanks.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  2. Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. Please put my name into the hat for the book giveaways on a broad array of religious writings. It's easy to reach me via my Google/blogger account. I'm not used to putting email address in comment section unless it's hidden.


Thank you for your comments and loyal readership.