Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? by Carol Gordon Ekster--Book Review

Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? is a great way to help children of divorced parents deal with the change.

Mark wakes up to his younger brother Evan asking, "Mark, whose house are we at?" The smell of coffee and a morning radio show tell Mark they are at Dad's. Things are challenging since their mom and dad got divorced. Sometimes the boys forget important stuff like homework at the other parent's house. Mom and their step-dad handle things differently at their house than Dad does at his. But it's great to be loved at two homes. And with a little bit of organization, homework doesn't need to be so tough.

This short children's book filled with page after page of charming illustrations, helps children of divorce understand that they can make it through all the changes that divorce can bring. From dealing with not always knowing which house you're waking up in to how different parents handle running a household, Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? will let your child know she is not alone.

Your child will be encouraged to initiate change as Mark does when he decides he will focus on the positive aspects of his new life. And since it is Mark who finds a way be more organized so that homework isn't such a challenge, readers will feel there are parts of their lives that they can control in spite of the fact that they can't control which house they wake up in.

I don't know if single dads will enjoy being stereotyped as the ones who can't cook, have messy houses and no rules:

* "I've gotten that lecture more times than the number of pizza nights we have at Dad's..."(Page 6)

* "At Dad's we play games until we're in a computer stupor. At Mom's, she and our step-dad have rules, lots of rules." (Page 12)

* He (Evan) is too young...to get confused, or lose track of reports left on tables at Mom's house, or under the desk in our room at Dad's." (Page 16)

But it does help kids to realize that it's okay that Mom and Dad handle things in their own way and that focusing on the positives and controlling the aspects of life that they are able to will help them feel better about having parents that no longer live together.

Where Am I Sleeping Tonight? could also help children of families not touched by divorce understand what their friends might be dealing with.

In our everchanging world, it is good to read a book that offers children ways to adjust to change in their lives.

Title: Where Am I Sleeping Tonight?
Author: Carol Gordon Ekster
Publisher: Boulden Publishing
ISBN-10: 1-878076-30-2
ISBN-13: 978-1-878076-30-4
U.S. Price: $9.95

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